Chapter 5

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I kinda felt awkward having a middle in my home. I mean its bigger and better then his. I think this is the first time I didn't brag. "Don't touch anything. People would notice." I didn't want his dirtiness or sticky fingers to get ahold of something. I'm sure he got the subliminal message because I feel him tense up. I choose to go into the dining area. My room would be too personal.

"Are you hungry?" "Naa." Good because I didn't want to feed him then end up taking care of him like a homeless dog.

"Why arnt we in your room? Don't trust me?" "It would just be weird. I just want us to get this over with before my parents come home, okay?" Getting my bitchy attitude. "Fine. Lets just take notes on each others story. Then just pick and choose what we say alone?" "That's okay with me." So we take turns telling our life stories.

My dad left my mom after she gave birth. I mean literally, he was there in the delivery room and while she held me he used the smoking excuse and just never came back. She gave up everything for him and aside from me, she was left all alone. We traveled from shelter to shelter until she worked enough to get us a place. She started dating guy after guy for money and to get rid of the loneliness. No one stays long enough and they all are assholes. I make great grades but don't know what I'm going to do about college because of money. I mean there is loans and all that stuff but just I don't know, feel like there is more important things then college. I want to have a better life then what I've had before. It sucks living where I do and hardly having anything to get by. I work two jobs so my mom isn't the only one working. My passion is music, when I sing or play guitar I just feel what I need to. It's my escape. I understand what an artist is saying through their music too. I'm not in a band even though I would love it, just no time. I am not involved with school anything because its lame and a waste of time. Don't like sports. They are just over paid athletes to me. I'm a friends with benefits kind of guy. There is just no point in getting into something serious this early in life. I want to figure everything else in life first before I think of something serious. Aside from my music, schoolwork, and jobs I don't really do anything because its pointless, time consuming, or cost money. I also have a snake, oh and a dog. They are like my best friends and I can tell them anything. I hate being social because it just feels like one big drama web and I stay away. I also have trust issues with people because of everything. I haven't done hardcore drugs, just weed and cigs. If I'm having a hard time I'll do shrooms. I used to sell and got into trouble for it. I've been locked up for that and fights. I started smoking when I was 14. Used to have a lot of sex to distract me. I know how to cook and clean. I don't need anyone taking care of me. I don't need help. I can be the woman and the man when it comes to getting shit done. I don't want a family. My dad wasn't around so I don't know how to be one. I wouldn't know the first thing. Yeah babies are cute but just too much of a hassle. Oh and did I mention I draw? I also try to go to parties on the weekends. Bikes are my passion. The one I drive used to be my grandpas before he died and it was a piece of shit. I rebuilt it, putting a lot of time and energy into it. I want to redo the frame and paint job but other priorities come first. There are moments where I hate my mom of course. It's just the situation we are in and everything. Why couldn't she make smarter better choices? She also drinks and pill pops. I want to move out but not until I know she's going to be ok. I'm sure she would because its one less mouth to feed and all."

He just sits there all quiet. I'm just starting at him. Wow. "Umm a lot of that stuff I'm sure couldn't talk about in class." He just laughs. "Yeah, or is it that it's too embarrassing to talk about your partner. When you have nothing and loose everything you get by, but it you have everything and loose it all you also loose yourself. You wouldn't know what to do." "That's not what I meant. Like inappropriate subjects. I'll just take all that stuff out and work with the rest."

He let out a annoyed sigh. "My favorite color is red. I dress in all black and have the goth loner look so people will leave me alone. Don't put that last one in. I don't know why I told you that. My favorite kind of food is pizza though, meaty very meaty. I love chocolate milk and alcohol. Just not mixed together. Might not want to say the alcohol part. I don't smoke as much as I used to. I'm athletic, love to run. I also have an eight pack and buff. If you care to see it one day. No siblings that I know of. My job is at a body shop under the table since I haven't gone to school. Just lie as say I work at McD and I also work at FYE. I like video games but I don't play that much. I know how to sing and dance. I've never traveled anywhere. I love animals all kinds but the tougher the cooler. Reptiles and dogs are my favorite though I'm sure you can tell. If I do go to school I'm thinking maybe music or auto. Maybe a vet. Not afraid of anything and even if I was I wouldn't tell you. My pet peeve is people who think they are better then everyone. I also hate drama. Umm and that's all I can think about right now. I'm going to go outside and have a cig."

I just sit there think and letting everything he told me in. I can't see how anyone would or could live that way. It's just so unreal and sounds like a nightmare. I don't see how I could be mean to him after that. He ha it so hard. And I feel like we are on a different level now. I'm sure he told me a lot of things about himself today that he hasn't told anyone. Which is surprising. I mean why me? Then my phone starts to ring. It's my daddy.

"Hello?" "Princess, I'm going to be away for a little bit. Something came up with the business. A merger might happen ASAP so I have to go to china. I don't know how long I'll be gone. Until the deal is done but don't know how long that will be. Hope everything is going to go ok with you and I'm always a phone or computer conversation away. Is there anything you want me to get you from there?" "I just want you to have a quick merger so you can get back soon and safe. Oh also something pretty."

"Okay sweetie. I love you." And with that he hung up. I hate when he's gone out of the blue. But it happens somewhat because of work. Him and mom travel. Sometimes I get to go sometimes not. No biggie. I noticed Toby was back. "That was my dad. He had a business trip to go to." "Oh, is that a good thing or a bad thing to you?" "Both. Do you think we can finish this tomorrow? It gives me time to think and incase you left anything out." "Sure. We can meet up somewhere to eat or something." "Your not asking me out are you." I made it sound bitchy so he knows I'm not interested. I can e friends with a middle class, maybe but I will not date one. "No, just to finish talking because I'm sure your hungry now but just to shy to eat here. "He got the hungry part right." "Oh and ill be a gentleman and pay." "It's not a date remember? We split it." He just smiles and nods his head. "Be careful driving home. Wouldn't want my partner to die or anything." "Sure." He then walked out, got on his bike, and after a few minutes he left.

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