Chapter 2

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"Miss. Magnavox do we have a problem?"

I snap back to reality when I hear my name. Did I just space out. That's the first time that ever happened. I look around and everyone was looking at me...well except Toby. He just looked annoyed. I looked at the clock. Halfway through class and I have nothing written down. Fuuuucccckkkk! That stupid poor jerk. Doing this to me. I see what he's doing. Trying to make me fail.

"Miss. Magnavox, I said do we have a problem?" Mrs. Bitch is really starting to get on my nerves.

"Yes there is a problem. You sat me next to him and you say I have to be his partner. Do you know how embarrassing that is?! I'm a Richie. I should be sitting by myself or with another Richie! I also have a very high GPA which doesn't need to be ruined by his stupidity. He's also rude and smells horrible like cigarettes. I demand for one of us to be moved instantly! I must remind you that I'm the richest here so my parents do have influence over your job." Now just waiting for him to go.

"Ok, if you don't want to sit next to him you can sit next to anyone else BUT not a Richie. I think your social status is a bunch of crap. I get it's high school but grow up some. It's not all about money. You forget I am the teacher and I can ruin your GPA until the time I am replaced IF your parents choose to listen to you. So I suggest you work on your attitude an not black mail me unless you want a challenge to see how smart you are. Do I make myself clear?"

She challenges my authority? Two people in one day stick up to me. Ugh I cannot believe this! Toby just smiles. I'm sure my cheeks are a little red. I can feel the heat.

"Now I do not want anymore childish behavior in my classroom. Do I make myself clear?" There was a unison of nods and some yeses. "Good now for your assignment I want you to read the first chapter of your textbooks and get ready for our first lab assignment."

The bell rings and I'm one of the first to exit the classroom.

By the end of the day the news about what happened in class spread around. There were some rumors too. Like he's related to her. He's sleeping with her. She threatened my life yada yada yada. Whatever. I'm waiting by my car for Sasha. I get a text from her saying she's going with Matt. Great. The one person I really want to talk to just ditched me. I don't care if she has a life outside of me, I'm just not in a good mood.

As I pull out I have to slam on my breaks because some A hole cuts me off. It's a middle class because of the clothes and the motorcycle looks a little bit older. The person lifts up the helmet some and I can tell its Toby. He gets off and comes towards me.

"You know since we are stuck with each other we should try to get along. And I hope the speech today was a little inspiring for you. Here during my free time I copied this for you." The notes I missed. What he didn't know is I already got them. Even though I find this really sweet I have to act like it doesn't phase me. Hopefully my hesitation doesn't say anything to him.

"Keep it. You need to save your paper since you don't have the money to buy more. I already got the notes. You just do your work and I'll do mine. I let go of the papers and watched them fall to the ground. I heard him mutter "selfish bitch" as he walked away. "I would back into your bike right now but then I'd have to waste money on you. Which I'd rather waste it on clothes." He just drove away. Why do I feel like such a horrible person? I treat every one who isn't on my social level the same. Why is he any different? When the coast is clear I leave the school. Tomorrow is a new day and different classes. Hopefully we just have that one class together. I could always switch out in the end or use the power of money.

Princess and the PunkOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant