Chapter 13

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It felt so good what he was doing to me. His fingers playing with my outsides. Then he tries to put his finger inside and that's when I start to freak out. "Stop!" "Huh?" He jumps back. "What happened?" "Toby, you can't do that. It felt so amazing but I couldn't let it continue. I'm saving myself for when I get married. Not hands or dick is going inside me unless its my husbands." I turn around to face him. He could rape me. He could do or say whatever he wanted and I couldn't do anything. I noticed he got soft and he just smiled. "I'm sorry aurora. I forgot your not like most girls. Your better. Lets just finish up with the shower and forget anything happened."

Then he started to wash me. It wasn't anything sexy it was just a wash but why am I getting the feeling of desire of need and want all over again just from his body being so close to mine but yet so far. The wash cloth separated my body from his hand. It seemed like he was going slow on purpose. Ooh I almost told him to take me now. Would that make me a slut? We've only known each other for a few days. Here I am wanting to give my virginity so easily to this guy. "I want to wash you back." He hands me the cloth and I start to wash him. Then when it came to his dick I stroked it. He had this face of concentration like he was making it not want to come up. "Toby, what is going on between us? I mean you feel it too but like I need to know what's going to happen. Because I want to give it to you. I don't know why. This hasn't ever happened before. I avoid situations but I want to welcome this one." "You mean like dating? Sure but that's only if you want that. I mean what people will say or do will bother you won't it? Maybe you should think about it before I do anything with you. I'm sorry. Just taking a shower with you ad seeing your beautiful body I couldn't control myself. I should've thought about you better." He's so sweet. He rinses off and gets out. "I'll put your clothes in the washing machine and order some dinner if you get hungry again." I just stand in the shower not knowing what to do. "If your really horny though the shower head turns into massage." "Huh?"

He opens the curtain. "Lay down and own your legs." I did. He takes the shower head down and turned it on massage mode. He stepped back in. "So you can't close your legs." He gives me a sexy wicked smile and points it at my vajay. Oh my god! It feels so good. It hits me where I'm sensitive and I fight. I want to close my legs because it just feels too good but I can't. I'm squirming and moaning. Then I get quiet and tense up. I have this build up inside of me. "How?" Was all I asked. Was all I could get rid of. How do I get rid of this feeling? "Relax." I tried. Tried not to think and that's when it came over me. I felt a rush escape me and I screamed. Then it was over and I didn't have the feelings about Toby no more. He turned the water off and helped me out. My legs and body was all shaky. He sat me on the toilet and took the dirty close out and left. I dried off and put his tshirt on. It went and covered up to my thighs. Then I realized I had no panties! I mean he just saw me naked and everything but still.

I walk out of the bedroom and he's out of a doorway motioning me to come in. It's his bedroom. He has a tv, stereo, bed, laptop and a whole bunch of movies and CDs. He has a dresser and night stand too. "I figured we could watch something while your clothes are washing." Sounds good to me. I get on his bed and he goes to put something in. He turns around and moans. I look down and he has a clear view of my vajay because I'm sitting cris cross. Oops. I close my legs and he just joins me.

After a while I open my eyes fully and realized I fell asleep. Oh crap. I was laying halfway on Toby cuddling. I look up and he's awake. "Have a nice nap?" "Yeah. What time is it?" "Eight." I wonder if our servants have wondered about me. I haven't been home all day. Well if they did they or my parents would call. Speaking of which I don't remember where t pone was. It was in my pocket last...uh oh. Then on top of that I realized I have some studding to do too. I sit up, "is my clothes done? I should really be getting home." "Yeah. Oh your phone and wallet are in the laundry room. I took them out before I washed your pants. Umm I'm sorry if I ruined your phone at the beach." "It's all good. The case is water proof and basically everything else proof." We get out of bed and I follow him to where my clothes are. I put them on and give him his tshirt back and put everything back in my pockets.

It was a good thirty minutes before we arrived at my car. "Would you like for me to follow you home?" What a gentleman. But I couldn't it's getting late and I have stuff to do. I could see him coming in and being such a distraction. "Na, you go home. In going to be busy anyways. I'll see you tomorrow at school." "Okay drive safe." "You too. Text me when you get home. I mean your on a bike and it is dark out." He chuckles and says ok. He waits for me to get into my car and starts it up before he starts to leave.

When I got home I checked my phone. Tons of text messages from Sasha, from where was I to she has some things to say. Then I see texts from my mom asking where I was because I never made it home. I told her I just went to a study group, left my phone in the car, and lost track of time. I guess my dad doesn't have service or no one talked to him. I texted Sasha that I had an amazing time with Toby and about what happened in gym. I also let her know I'll make it up to her when we are actually able to talk about it. I walk into the kitchen and see the note waiting on the fridge. They saved me a plate of food. He made lasagna with breadsticks, salad and coffee cake. I get out a glass of water and put the food in the microwave. I'd be the only ones home now so I'm not worried about being quiet.

The food was delicious and I put the dirty dishes in the dish washer. I'm so tired and want to go back to sleep but I haw to study. I missed a lot in class today and I have some tests tomorrow. I make sure I have all of my stuff ready for tomorrow and set the alarms. I sit at my desk and have everything I need but my eyes are really heavy. I don't know how long I can study before I fall asleep.

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