Chapter 17

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It's been two weeks since the last time I missed school. Nothing exciting to talk about yoga is relaxing and the guys are still part time pigs about it. Toby and I have a really good marriage going on in class. I do all the female duties while he does all the manly stuff and we both work. We both agreed on not wanting kids any time soon, but then we had the announcement of having to take care of a fake baby as our next assignment. Great. Science class is going smoothly and we have the same grade, which is shocking. I know he's smart and everything but I'm used to being on top. All my other classes are going great in the sense of he's not in them to distract me and I have straight A's.

When I walked downstairs I heard a noise and followed it. I opened the door to the kitchen and there was my mom spread over the counter getting fucked by our chef! I stood there mouth opened in shock. Right at that moment they finished and realized I walked in on them. I don't know what's worse walking in on my mom or her cheating or that it took them like almost a minute to realize I was there. My mom just brushed herself off like she was about to go into a meeting and wanted to make sure her outfit looked alright. "Come on Aurora there are some things you need to know." No oops. No do you need therapy. Nothing.

"Your father and I have been having problems for years now. Ever since I found out he's been having an affair with his assistant. He takes her on couples retreats, which he's never done with me. This business trip he's on is taking a ridiculous amount of time. No deal is going to take months almost a year to do. This is the longest he's been gone. We don't even sleep in the same room anymore. He had his love interest and I have all of mine. I will not know what I know and just stand around like a dumb woman. No I'm going to take charge of me. I have needs and I'm not going to share them with someone who can get it anytime with someone else. The only reason why we haven't gotten a divorce is he doesn't know I know and I live too comfortably here. Besides why would I want to break up the family?" For the first time I saw something in my mom that I thought I'd never see. She was a selfish bitch!

I met up with the event planner I hired. I'm going to be throwing a Halloween party at the house this year. Only the best of the best get o come. It's going to be a haunted house and almost every room is going to have something scary or an event in it and hopefully that will prevent the horny people for using me as a free Holiday Inn. I'm going to dress up like a slutty angel and Sasha said she wants to be the devil. She's going to look slutty too since she isn't showing still. She's been with Matt this whole time so I'll finally be able to talk to her about things. Matt might come to the party though. The planner is talking about hiring some actors from colleges to come play a part in scaring people. She's also going to run a menu through the chef that would work best. She's going to buy all the prizes and activities to do as well. Actually I'm buying she just gets the check. I give her the list of people to invite and let her go on her way. I'm actually giving her complete control because I don't care as long as its amazing and I get the receipts.

I go into my room and go onto Skype to see if my dad was on. Nope. I've only talked to him on the phone that one time. I haven't called after that and neither has he so I decide to write him an email:

Hi daddy I miss you so much! Let me catch you up with some things so far. I k ow you haven't been gone super long but I miss you so much and I want you to come home quick. I'm planning a Halloween party. Wish you could come. All of my grades are A's. The problem I had with a few of the female students are gone. I'm back on top and no one bothers me anymore. I've seen the light with the situation about the one guy that's poor and I have to work with him. Oh and I have a boyfriend. Don't freak out or anything it's nothing like that. He actually knows all of my standards and sticks to them. There are some things going on with Sasha and she's going to need lots of support soon. I don't know how much I can say about that. I know I have your trust though but it's not my personal information to share. Mom is doing well. Her and all of her friends are keeping each other busy. Let me know what it's like over there. Oh and a picked out some dresses for when you return.

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