Chapter 24

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When the limo stopped we arrived at the building my dad works at. I'm starving at this point so I gracefully walk fast.

"Toby can you come see if there is any food with me? I'm starving but I don't want to look like a pig." He chuckles and gives a nod.

When we arrived inside I saw food in the back of the room. Thank goodness! I feel like I'm flying because I'm walking so fast. I'm kind of embarrassed. I mean manors and politeness should come first. But all I can think about is the calories I need to get back.

I decide to politely shove my face with food. As I'm eating I'm scanning the room for my dad and for that old bitch. Speak of the devil I see her and she's coming this way.

"Might not want to eat so much, and so fast. You'll get fat and it's so unattractive dear." "Thank you for your concern but unlike you and your old age I have a very high and fast metabolism. I finished working out before I got here so I'm building up some calories."

She looks red with anger. I guess her weight is sensitive to her. "Oh and by the way I'd like you to be introduced to Toby. He was able to make it tonight with his busy schedule and all."

She had a shocked face now. Like she thought I was making him up from the get go. Which I kinda was but oh well. "Toby it's so nice to finally hear you. I've heard so much about you." She extends her wrinkly hand. Eww poor Toby. He shakes it, yeah I'm not touching his hand until he washes it or burns it off.

"So Toby can you refresh my memory and tell me some things about yourself?" Uh oh I forgot the lies that I told her. And I don't want him to say anything to her. "Toby before you do that can you get me something to drink?" He looks relieved as he walks away.

So now it's my duty to think of as many lies about him and his family in the short amount of time until Toby got back. I was in the middle of explaining something when I heard a male clear his throat out. Thinking its my daddy I turn around. But it's Toby. Oh dear how much did he head because he looks pissed. "Umm will you excuse me I feel quite crowded in here. Toby and I will finish this conversation later." I take his hand and start walking away before she can say anything.

"Are you that embarrassed of me that you have to lie? I mean a dead lawyer father and a doctor mother. We live out on the city limits and travel a lot. Why would you lie to her about me? If that's your fantasy guy then why don't you just go find him?" He starts to walk away from the building.

"Toby wait, that's Matt's grandma. She's always picking on me thinking her and her family is better then mine. I had to say things to shove in her face. If she knew the truth about you she's think your a piece of shit even though your a million times better. She's the only one I'll lie to you about. Everyone I'll tell the truth. Well as much of the truth as you want me to tell." More like enough of the truth to stop with the questions. "Besides I have to be honest with my daddy."

"What do you have to be honest with me about?" Oh my gosh! I quickly turn around and run into his arms. "Oh daddy I missed you so much! I'm so glad your finally back!" "Me too princess. Now what are you going to be honest with me about?" "Daddy this is Toby. The guy I've been emailing you about. I was thinking afterwards you and mom can get to know him better." He walks over to Toby and shakes his hand. "Nice to meet you young man. I look forward to talking with you later. But for now I have to go ad mingle with my guests." We three walk inside together.

Mother sees daddy and they embrace each other. I don't know how I feel about this. Still fresh with my mom was the abortion from another man and she finished her many affairs when he was gone and daddy sleeping with how many women during this trip, I don't see how they can look so loving towards each other. The whole time they are stuck like glue to each other while they mingle. It's just an act. I kind of die a little inside. Here I thought they love each other deeply but it seems like its just an act. So I introduce everyone to Toby since he'll probably be apart of the family anyways.

The rest of the night I was able to avoid the old bitch while talking to everyone else. There was speeches upon speeches and a lot of awards being announced. Then it was time to eat. Steak, buns, a variety of soups, salad, tons of veggies and other foods. It was a feast. Then there was a dessert tray, yelp heaven on wheels. I just grabbed a few things. Like a hot fudge sundae, brownie, and carrot cake. Ahh, I need to workout later for sure.

After dessert everything started to die down. So Toby and I decided we'd leave and my parents will meet up with us at the house later on. Couldn't argue with that because time alone with Toby I'm sure would be limited.

It was past midnight when my parents walked through the door. Mom seemed a little tipsy, not surprised there. She isn't an alcoholic but if their is alcohol around she'll drink it. "Aurora, I want you to open the presents I got you." It was silk clothing and handmade jade jewelry. It was so pretty and expensive and perfect. The silk clothing didn't even really look Asian which was a plus. Wouldn't want to walk around dressed as an Asian while being white. "Aurora, now if you don't mind I'll be talking to Toby in private. You know getting to know the man who wants to date you." I nodded, can't say no to him. So I take my things and start walking upstairs. I notice that they go into daddy's office. Which is weird because he doesn't let just anyone go inside. Mom follows too. I start to panic what is Toby going to say? What will my parents say or do? My heart is racing and I can feel the food I ate only hours ago start to rise in my mouth. I need to calm down. Wait it could be my daddy just being nice and going to offer him a job with some man to man talk. Yeah, something so innocent. Toby knows me, he wouldn't say anything out of line. Wait, I said I'd be honest with daddy. What if Toby thinks he can? Panic. I reach my room and put everything away. I try to sneak around to hear anything but I can't and I'm not taking the chance of walking downstairs all the way. Couldn't hear anything from the top of the stairs. I could call Toby to listen in but I doubt he'd answer or look at his phone. So I just turn my music on to help distract my thoughts. I lay on my bed looking at the ceiling while the music plays. I take deep breaths until I'm calm and relaxed. I dare not look at the clock or count minutes. All of a sudden I start to feel sleepy. But I have to stay awake so I can meet up with them later. On the other hand I have school tomorrow and I'm sure they'd wake me up. My mind is all over the place and no matter how much I try and fight it I can feel myself slowly falling asleep.

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