Chapter 24

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Oh my god! I feel dirty. I'm a discusting pig. I need a shower now! Nothing can brush off what happend with Nell. She.... did stuff... things I can't even desribe..... with words. I would almost need picutures to explain. We didn't have sex. Thank god. But I did have to get her off by eatting her out and taking her across my knee.

The tought of Gia and me about to eat her out came to my mind. The way her hair was ruffled, the way her breath hitched, the way she couldn't stand still.

What did I do....

I punched the tile. It left a scrap on my knuckles but I felt no pain. I need to see Gia as soon as I can tommorrow. To explain why I left so quicky and why I did what I felt was nessiary.


I showed up to band the next day and everyone was here besides Gia.

" Has anyone seen Miss Joriseen?"

They shock their heads. One girl in the back raised her hand but when I called on her she said nevermind and that she just need to strech.

I ddn't even want to continue on the rehersal without Gia. She was acually the only reason I wanted to go. But I can't stop just because of one perosn.

I raised my arms in the air. " B flat scale please."


She didn't show up on Wenesday or Friday. Or at all the follwing week. Every day that passed got me more axious. We have a concert coming up and if Gia missed any of those rehersals or the perfomace she could flunk band. I dind't want to do that so I held it off as long as I and prayed that she would eventually show up.


Three Months Later

I haven't seen Gia since the moringing I left her. Not even around campus. When I ask everyone where she is they say she has been feeling under the weahter. For three months straight? Right.

She did end up missing the band concert. Don't get me wrong we sounded great and everyone loved the music, but for me personally the soloist didn't put enough time and effort into it as Gia would have. Witch is why I wanted her here to give her the solo to show off her talent.

One day I was working on grades when I got a fwd email from declan. It was adressed to Gia. 

Dear Miss Joriseen,

It has been informed to my undivided attention that you have been skipping instrumental music class. You doing so is inflecting poorly not only on our community but on yourself. If you don't start attending this class you wont get any credit for it. I'm sorry but I don't know what else to do.


Declan Rainsbury.

How did he find out about Gia being absent. Duh. I recorded attendnce. That has to be at least over 40 classes that she missed. That wont look good on her reccord and jobs wont hire her if she is late and just doenst show up. I need to do something about it. I opened up my laptop and sent an email from my own perosnal account and sent a message to Gia. I carefully thought about what I should say. In the end I found this one most effetive.


Where I have you been these last few months? Everyone has been telling me that you were ill but I'm calling on their bullshit! I know your hiding from me. Just.... Please.... Give me a chance to explain.... Meet me at my house... Tonight.... And I will tell you everything.... I miss hearing you play... Your the best musician I got in the band.... But more importantly.... I miss you...


P.S- in case you were wondering I did not use my school account. I mean come on am I that stupid! But please.... Think about it....

I added the first little bit of the P.S for hummor. The last part I was dead serious. I really hope she does think about it. I can't let what happened all those months ago effect the future I might have with Gia. She needs to know the truth. But most importanly, she deserves the truth.


I never heard back from Gia. She is probably still pissed at me and is deciding I'm not worth her time. It sucks. It really does, but if she's not willing to fight for me then whats the point in holding on to false hope. 

I spend another hour at home before I decided I was going to chuck a scotch glass at the fireplace and got in my car.

I found myself going to my office and starting at my clarinet.

Before I could even register what my fingers were doing I put my instrument together and started warming up.

Up the scale and back down. My fingers moving in sharp quick movements while my breath poured out the rhythm one-e-and-a-two-e-and-a-three-and-a-four-e-and-a in one continuous air stream.

After I was certain I was warmed up properly I found my old contest solo piece from high school and shock my head at all the notes I scribbled. More staccato, release on beat 3, have the note swell. 

I played through the song like three times when it hit me that this was the piece that Gia played for me when I first saw her. I can still remember the way she trembled in fear, and how she looked so innocent and pure. 

" God damn it," I screamed. 

Why does everything in my life now a days have to be about one woman!

I left my office and was about to go get trashed and hook up with a random stranger when I heard a noise coming from the practice rooms.

It was just a middle C then the sound stoped.

That's odd, the students who use the pratice room for the panio play more than just a middle C. I better go check it out. I once heard someone just play one note on the panio and when I checked it out two lesbians were getting it on. I kicked them out and fined them each $150 for unexcusable behavior in the room.

I was about to tell the couple to get out but I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw Gia.

She was playing her scale. It was as if she was a begininger painist trying to figure out what each note was.

She looked so focoused and peaceful.

My mind told me to get the hell away from her because she will tear you down and the remains of your heart will be destoryed in the infero, but I could not find the strength to walk away. At least not yet anyways.

When she was looking toward the other end of the panio I quietly sneaked inside and played the lowest A when she got back to middle C.

Her head bobbed up in confussion and we kept playing till our hands meet in the middle.

When Gia saw my hands she let out a very powerful scream.

"Shhhh," I hushed, " Gia baby. Don't scream! Its me!"

She must have recognized my voice for she made a beeline for the door.

I don't think so Gia!

I blocked her before she could even touch the handle.

" Oh no! I'm not letting you go this time!"

I shut the door and made sure the deadbolt was secure and locked.

" We need to talk...."

Something we should of done a long time ago.

Author's Note: Another chapter is up and done! Thank you to everyone who has been supporting all of my stories! You guys are awesome! :)

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