Chapter 14

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" Come on guys lets go!"

I tapped my foot impatiently. This is ridiculous! My mom told me to specifically be here at her place at 5 sharp! Well, newsflash its now- let me check my watch real quick- 5:01 and my sister and brother are still not ready! I bet a million dollars that Petra is already wasted as fuck and Pam can't decide on what to wear.

" Guys lets-,"

" Oh hell no you ain't wearing that Pam!"

Oh God what the hell is she wearing???!!! I can't just about imagine...

I stomped up the stairs to my sisters bedroom.

" I can wear whatever I want," Pam screamed the moment I opened the door.

" Uh fuck that shit," I objected, " There is no way in hell you are wearing that Pam!"

I'm staring long and hard at my baby sister and I don't even feel like I am looking at the same person. The Pam I know is conservative and would never wear anything promiscuous. I feel like I'm looking at an evil clone of her. 

She's wearing a light pink crop top were the sleeves hang of the shoulders, and a pair of light sparkly blue jeans that are way to snug on her. I looked down at her toned flat chest and saw something dangling from her belly. 

" Pam," I said slowly to make sure I didn't lose my temeper, " What. Is. That."

She glanced down at dangly sliver cross with the angel wings spread out to the side.

" Its a belly ring duh!"

 Well no shit captin obvious! 

" Why..," deep breath Phoinex, " Why do you have a belly ring?"

"  That's not all she's got," my mom sneered.

Please don't let it be a tattoo... Please please please for Christ Sakes don't let it be a tattoo!

" Go ahead," my mom bribbed, "  Show him."

My sister placed her hands on her hips. 

" Why should I?"

" Oh for God's sakes!"

My mom pulled the sleeve of her right shoulder down to reveal  ( what do you know) a tattoo. 

It was actually really pretty. It was an angel with long brown hair and blue wings  in a strapless purple dress with a vine of red roses wrapped around her waist. The vine travels down to her feet where the flowers just surrounded her.  To her right and also to her left there are monarch butterflies. And to top the tattoo off there is a white dove resting on the angels left hand.

" Mom." I made sure to use my warning tone so another lecture wouldn't come up.  When I was thinking about getting a tattoo my mom gave me the whole speech on go to a professional, it cost a lot of money, watch out for hepatitis and blah blah blah that I just said screw it. It was dumb of me to do that and I don't want Pam to regret her decision. Mainly because she's stuck with it for life. My other reason is exactly what I plan on saying to my mom.

" It could be worse."

Mom mom blinked once then twice then made the face. Her eyebrows scrunched together, there was a murderous look in her eyes, and her lips were in a scoulding form. I would describe it better but its so freaky that its the best I can do.

" It could be worse," she spit out slowly, " It. Could. Be. Worse."

" Yes."

She whacked me on the shoulder. " Are you mad! Phoenix Pam could die from a disease and that's all you have to say!"

You Bewitch Me Miss Joriseen ( The second novel in I hate you professor)Where stories live. Discover now