Chapter 17

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I'm a dick. Everyone probably knows that already. Actually no they wouldn't. I was kind to everyone else, besides Gia that is. I was still pissed at her for her word choice. Whenever I looked at her all I could think of was pathtic lying douche bag. How do you think that is suppose to make me feel! 

The Wenesday after Labor Day Gia raised her hand with a question. 

" What is it Gia." I have no desire to talk to you for longer than 5 seconds so make it quick.

" My cork on my mouth piece is wearing off."

Seriously! Those things are never suppose to wear off. 

 " Let me take a look at it."

She shook her head and gripped it tigher in her hands. 

Why won't she let me see it? I can't fix the damn fucker if she wont give it to me.

" Gia, Let me see." I was beyond patient at this point. 

" Why? Are you gonna steal it and not give it back!" 

Steal it? Why the fuck would I want a clarinet mouth piece?!?  I have one of my own and its uslees to me! 

I attmepted to take it once again but she gripped it like it was worth all the money in whole damn planet.

" Do you even relize how rideculous you are being! Just give it to me!"

Her mouth dropped and her eyes went wide. Oh I'm being ridcoulous it expresses? Yes you are! 

" Make a choice. Either give it to me so I can look at it or don't."

" I'm not giving it to you." She made that very clear when she scracthed my nail in the process.

"Fine then be that way."


Women! They want you to do something but also mean just the oppostie! Psyco asses all of them! 

" Hey Professor Maddox," she called out, " Call me that one more time and my barrell will be chucked at your face!"

What the fuck did I say.... Oh no. I called her a psyco ass... Shit! Oh well I shouldn't be to worried. Gia wouldn't dare chuck that at anyone unless she wants a hundred dollars to be flushed from her bank account.

I called her on her bs, but she proved me on when the dumbest bimbo I have ever meet called Gia a pscyo. True to her word, the barrell was chucked at Cecily's way, amining at her eye. On the inside I was chearing Gia on thinking nice aim and that bitch deserved. Morally however I know that violnece can not be tollrated at Rainsbury. So I had to call Gia into my office. For the second time allready,


"Miss Joriseen." I can't use Gia this time. I wish I could though. It sounds so much better than a Miss.  " This is the second time you've been in here and it hasn't even been a full month yet. What do you have to say for yourself?"

" Nothing. That high matience brat knew what was coming yet she still decided to be a dumb blonde!"

I agree with you darling, one hundred percent. But I must follow the rules and go against your argument.

" Miss Joriseen." Ok lets try this again shall we?  " You can make fun of me all you want because frankly I'm suppose to treat you like an adult..... But when you harm another student I have zero tollerace for that! You crossed the line! Now what do you have to say for yourself."

" Not an I'm sorry that for sure," was her retort.

God damn it! 

" Gia what am I going to do with you" I can't have her abusing my students. That's unexcetpable! 

" Not a damn thing! I'm out of here!" 

She's leaving????!!!! Oh hell no! 

I used my back to sheild the door and close it shut.

" What are you doing," she screached.

Something I  have been wanting to do for two days now.

I lowerd my mouth to hers hard, but she shoved me away. 

" Are you mad! You think you can kiss me in your office! Espically after what you said to me!"

" You still remember that..." Of course she does. Women never forget things like this.

" Of course I still remember it! Your the reason I didn't get a scholorship! Well it doesn't matter anyways! I have to leave at the end of the semester anyways!"

Leaving... At the end of the semester.... that's in like three months... why do  I feel like my heart is being ripped out of my chest and stabbed to death by a shap pointed dagger? 

" Can... Can I ask why?"

Hold it together Maddox. You can not cry in front of her. You shouldn't even be crying at all.

" Its personal reasons."

Gia wants to leave. And its all because of me. Oh god what did I do?

I then did something very uxepected, even for me. I hugged Gia. So tightly that I would of crushed her fragile frame if I went any tighter.

" Uhh Professor."

I placed a finger to her lips. I can't have her say anything. I don't want her to spoil this moment.

After I moved my finger aside I begged, no pleaded her to stay. I even offered to give her her scholorhsip back. I know it might not make up for the shit I did but hell I would give her almost a full ride if I have to.

Where was I going to get over a hundreded thosand dollars? 

With her shoulder slumped and eyes so sad and defalted she was about to tell me something when the door barged opened. Oh no. If its Declan I can not come up with a lie on the spot. Thank god it wasn't. But it was worse then that.... It was my mom.

Authors Note: A new chapter is up! Thank you for reading this far! I might post more updates later! I also started free writting and came up with some pretty good! If I post it go check it out!

Anna :)

You Bewitch Me Miss Joriseen ( The second novel in I hate you professor)Where stories live. Discover now