Chapter 21

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Her face was a blank state. I wish I knew if Gia was ok with my proposal or not. I know its a huge risk for both of us, but I'm willing to take that risk if she'll make the jump with me.

 " Professor Maddox.... I...."

I cut her off. I don't want to hear her say no. Not now. 

" Shhh... Don't say anything..." 

Maybe I should explain to her why I said what I did.

" Gia," I began, " I know I sprang the whole... coming-home-with-me-thing- out in the open... But I want you to know... It's not for the reason you think..."

I find it funny. She thought I wouldn't notice her checking out my crotch. I'm sure if she's doing that cause she's into me or if all I want is sex. While sex is great that's the last thing on my mind right now. I'm totally fine without it. As long as I don't have to give up touching her soft skin or kissing her luscious rosy lips I don't need anything more. 

I need Gia to trust me on that one.

" Trust you," she screamed, " Trust you! How can I???? Especially after you lied to me and kissed me in public thinking you were my date!!!!"

Lying to her? Ya. I feel bad about it. Kissing her. Hell no! I will never be sorry for that. 

I heard my brother laughing in the background. I don't know how long he has been standing there, but he better go away before I punch him in the nose. 

"Fuck off Petra!"

" Make me!"

I know just what will do the trick. I bent over and grabbed the nearest rock I could find. I used to do that all the time when he pissed me off. I would pretend to chuck them and that would get him to back down. Well, one day I actually threw the rock when I didn't mean to. It was terrible yet funny, gave Petra a broken and bloody nose. So now if I even pick up a rock he backs down. Just like that. 

" Sorry about that, " I apologized after Petra stormed back into the house, " He can be an ass."

Gia wasn't paying attention. She was checking her fucking phone! Why can't she just listen to something I have to say for once! 

She pounded at the buttons then slipped the phone back into her pockets.

" Whats wrong?"

" Nothing," she spat, " I'm fine."

Bull fucking shit! When a woman says she is fine thats code for disater is about to come.

" Gia," I repeated, "tell me whats wrong?'

And don't lie to me this time either.

Gia kept checking her phone every two seconds. Finally, after two minutes she confessed the words I never thought I would hear.

" I need a place to stay."


I tried so hard not to grin and bear it at the fact that Gia was staying with me. If I had it my way ( which I hope it does happen but probably won't, tear jerker)  she would be in my arms all night long and never leave. What are the odds of that happening. Zero. Nada. Zilch.

When we got to my place I lead her inside my house. I will admit its not much but its a place to stay. A home is not really a home unless there is someone to share it with. I haven't found that person yet, but I will. Someday.

After looking the door I decided to let Gia know that she can use the shower tonight if she needs one.

"Bedroom,"I pointed out, " Bathroom. I'll get you some clean towels. Or is there some in the bedroom?"

I prented to open the door to shock her. No reaction. Damn.

" Just kidding there are clean towels. I'll leave you to it. Let me know if you need anything. Good night Gia."

" Good night Professor Maddox," she whispered before heading into the bathroom.

When the door was shut tight I leanded against it. 

" Oh Gia," I wispered, " Why can't I be with you?"

I know I shouldn't but the temptation was to high... I could risk everthing if I go back in there... Everything I worked so hard for... You know Eve was tempted to eat the fruit from the tree of good and evil. Was it a bad idea? Hell yes! Was it worth it in the end? In that case no. In my case. Hell yes!

Witch is what gave me the modivation to open the door and kiss Gia breathlessly. 

Authors Note: Thanks everyone who has supported my stories. I still can not belive I hate you profeser has almost 6 thousand reads! its truely incredible honnor and blessing! 

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