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Authors Note: This chapter is dedicated to CrystalW99 and her story the Boss! 

Saturday Feburary 21 2039

"Its all tied up at the bottom of the tenth inning," I mysterously pondered, " Phoniex Maddox has one shot to get this noddle to stick to the wall. If he can get it.... Dinner is served... If not... Well our stomachs will be pissed for another five to ten mintues. Can he make it?"

I whirled the noddle in my hand like a lasso and flung it towards the wall.


"Woho," I exclaimed with my hand in the air," Phoniex Maddox has one the world series! U huh- U huh- U huh-U huh huh U huh!"

" Your weird," my wife Gia described while entering the kitchen. She shoved past me brushing her hands along my thighs ( way to close to my bone ranger aka my dick) I tried to surpress a groin but she caught it and gave me a firm yet gently squezze before heading to the stove.


" I know I am," I teased, " Look at who I married."

Oh burn! Take that one baby!

She shifted slighly, pointed the stirir at me,  and grounded me from having dessert.

Damn! I love dessert! And it was cheesecake night....My favortie! Fuck! 

But you know what... thats alright becuase I can have something better.

I seductively walked up behind Gia and trapped her between the stove. 

Wrapping my arms around her slender waist I leaned in to her ear and wispered hotly, " Thats ok. As long as I can eat you out for dessert." 

"Mmmm," she moaned.

I placed a tender kiss on her shoulder. Gia has never ceased to amaze me. Seveenteen years of marriage and one love struck teenager later Gia still has been and always will be the love of my life. 

She's beautiful, smart, funny, confident, sarcatic, tender, tough, talented. Everything I could of ever asked for in a women. 

" Phoniex," she sighed, " Not here. What about Terra?"

I ignored her and kept peppering her shoulder with kisses.

" Its nothing she hasn't seen before," I wispered. 

" Uh hello virgin eyes in the room," Terra infromed.

Damn it Terra! You couldn't of came two seconds later.

Gia wiggled out from under my grasp. I tried to stop her but she was so tiny that she could easiy shimmy under. 

" Sorry sweetie," she apoligized.

" Hmph sure you are," she mumbled

 Teenagers are so cranky and says I thought to myself and to think I used to be one!

After setting the food and china on the table we dug into what I can say- not trying to gloat here-  is the best speggetti I have ever made.

We were silent for a few mintues but it was the peacefull kind. Like listening to the waves crash against the sandy shore. 

It lasted for about 10 mintues then Terra struck up the conversation.

" Hey mom how did you and dad meet?"

She sluppered her spegetti noddle and then started to choke. Oh shit! 

I felt sorry for her at first but then she was being all dramatic in her expresson, giving me the I'm dying look and its all your fault. 

You Bewitch Me Miss Joriseen ( The second novel in I hate you professor)Where stories live. Discover now