Chapter 19

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Saturday. No matter how much I drank  when I wasn't at work it came just the same. Just like Christmas came just the fucking same for the Grinch. 

There was no way I could surivie dinner. No way. Between Gia hating me and my mom thinking we are romatically involed its just... Fuck! I need another drink.

I pourned my self a bottle of burrbon. When you want to drown your sorrows and pain you need strong shit. No fruity girly drinks like maragrittas or strawberry daiquiri.  You need the stuff I am... going to drink straight from the bottle.

I felt the liqur burn at the back of my throat when I got two text messages. One from Petra one from Pam

Petra: I have a surprise for mom and everyone! Just thought you should know. Won't tell ya till I see ya tonight!

Oh come on Petra! If this is another one of your fuck girls I don't care anymore!

I went to my messages and hit delete.

I took another dirnk of burbbon when it hit me that Pam texted me. I got back into my phone to get the messagess when it said there was none. What the hell?

Ah shit! I deltted all my messgaes instead  of just the one. Oh well. If its imporant she can get ahold of me later. Right now I need to go get ready to see Gia.


Once I got to the office I didn't have to wait very long for Gia. She was nervous, I can tell. She kept pacing and her eyes would never meet mine. When she finally did I swear my heart stopped.

Her hair was curled just every so slightly. Her honey skin is lavishing against her tan one shoulder dress shirt. With ruffles I might add. Why ruffles? I hate ruffles. 

Your just jelous because she looks better than you!

Don't make it about me! Compliment her!

 "Miss Joriseen.  You look very lovely."

Gia glanced down at her outfit and muttered a thanks. She must either be really modest or still at unease at the fact that I have to call her Miss Joriseen.

" You ready then?"

She nodded and followed me out to my car. I had my gray Ashton Martin for about two years now. It was a graduation present from my mom. She  shouldn't have. But she  did.

Gia was examining the car with admiration and beuaty. I wish she would look at me like that.

When we got to the house Gia was instanstly smuthered by my mom.

Pam came into the hallway a few seconds later. I was more than shocked when Pam acted like she already knew Gia then just meeting her.

Then I found out that she acually for a fact did know Gia.

" Ah Gia," my sister shricked, " I'm so happy to see you! What are you doing here?"

Thats so odd. When did Pam meet Gia? Pam hasn't been to the university and Gia hasn't leaft that area as far as I know.

When I asked her how she meet Gia she said she meet her in the woods the other day. 

In the woods??? What the hell was Pam and Gia doing in the woods??? Its not safe! For either of them! There could be bears, rivers, ax mudurs! 

I was more then worried about that that I didn't even hear Peter come in. 

" Hey mom." Why hello to you to brother! " Look who I found at the liquor story. Its uncle Jace!"

I groaned. Oh no not uncle Jace! He'll only cause a bunch of drama and will be in shitty mood like usual.

" Hello brother how are you?"

" Pissed."


" When aren't you. Oh Phoenix why don't you introduce your girlfriend to your uncle then make your way into the dinning room."


Just go along with it Phoinex. You and Gia know the truth. Plus it takes to much effort to explain.

" Ummm. Alright. Um uncle this is Gisella Joriseen. She's not my girlfriend by the way. Uh Gia this is my uncle Jason Dallas but we all call him Jace."

I don't know what I said exaclty but from the time I made the introductions Gia's expression went from annyoyed to muderous. Just. Like. That. 

You Bewitch Me Miss Joriseen ( The second novel in I hate you professor)Where stories live. Discover now