Chapter 5

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Gia Joriseen! No. This is a dream. Little miss slut can't be Gia. What happened to her black and blue hair! ( The one I wanted to thread my fingers though) Her clothes! ( the ones that were sytlish yet sophiscated) What the hell happened to my Gia! 

Wait why did I say my Gia? She is not my anything! Forget about her an focous on the class! Get to know them better or something. That will take your mind off of her for at least ten mintues or so.

 Welcome to Instrumental Music Class," I greeted, " My name is Professor Maddox and I will be conducting you this year. Before I go over the sylibus  I want to get to know each of my students. Stay your name for sure and anything intersesting you want to say about yourself. I'll start off."

Shit what was I gonna say that didn't make me sound so lame? Improvise!

I cleared my throat and told them the basics about me.  My name is Phoniex Maddox. I'm 24.... I have an older brother  Petrus but we call him Peter and a younger sister Pamela.... I decided to become a music professor when I auditioned for a scholorship a few years ago. The professor reallly gave some good advice on what I could do to be a better musican and that is when I found my calling. Besides teaching I love playing sports, doing extreme stuff, traveling, watching movies, and spending tme with family and friends. Who's next?"

The girl on Gia's right raised her hands.

" Thank you." 

" I have a few questions."

Oh. Well ok then.

" What istrument did you play and are you married?'

That is the one questions students always wanted to know. If I was married. It never failed. But what instrment I play that one is new.

 I'm not married,"  I chuclked in asument, " And I played Clarient."

A snort came out from the front row. What the fuck! 

It came out of Gia's mouth. I didn't see her burble the nose but I knew it was from her. What is her deal. You know what... I'm gonna find out right now.

 " You," I snapped, " Girl in the frist row fith chair stand up."

All eyes roamed to her and started teasing her. She was clearly embarssed but stood up anyways.

I stared at her hard and long. This girl was a fucking mystery, and I loved every moment of it.

 "What was with the snorting noise?" 

She didn't answer my question right away. This will not do. I was about to snap at her when she finally got back to me.

 " I wanted to test my pig nose." 

She. Wanted. To. Test. Her. Pig. Noise. This is band class no exotic animal noises 101.

" Well save that for anohter time. Our rehersal are limited." 

She glummily nodded and was about to sit down. I don't think so Missy.

" As long as your up," I called out , " Why don't you start off telling the class about yourself."

Deep down I knew she didnt want to, no one does but I needed this, and so did she.

" Professor Maddox I really rather..."

NO! She is not getting out of this! I want the most integing person to go first and that was her! 

" Do it," I commaned. Opps! I hope no one noticed how harsh I sounded. I was relived when the only one who noticed was Gia.

 " Only if you don't boss me around and say please." 

Damn she is a fisty subborn one! 

" Alright." If she instisted. " Please will you go first and introduce yourself to the class?"

 " My name is Gia Joriseen," she began slowly and crisply, "" I also play the clarinet as you can see."

She lifted her instrument way up high. Hmmm some keys were lifted higher than others, the padding was wearing down, and the thumb key was dented way more then it needed to. That tells me one thing. This girl played the hell out of her clairnet.

" I don't have any brothers or sisters,"  she continued, "I also want to be a music teacher but not because of the professor who judged me. He was just a real jerk! I want to be a teacher after my high school band teacher. And as for insterest I would really rather not comment."

She sat back down with a smug look plastered on her face. She thought I was a jerk! Un-fricken- belivable. Well, I guess I was a jerk to her but that didn't mean she had the right to announce this to the whole class.

   " Miss Joriseen please see me after class," I requested.

If she was annoyed by that she did a good job of hidding it. 

"Allright who's next?"

I tried my best to pay attention to the speaker but it was no use. No one said anything interesting besides Gia. Not even the picaloo player who has been to 36 diffrent countries. Once the last person got done I raised my hand in the air.

" B flat scale half notes please."

Beep Beep Beep!

Well fuck! How could introducations take so long! 

" Alright everyone. Have a good day. I will see you Wenesday. Be prepared to get the sylabis and to play. Miss Joriseen. My office now!" 

I had to remind her incase she forgoton. Because God forbids I know I havent. Not by a long shot!

You Bewitch Me Miss Joriseen ( The second novel in I hate you professor)Where stories live. Discover now