Chapter 23

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This was the first time I ever slept peacefully all though the night. How could I not? I didn't have to work today, the sun was shining, and the woman I love is in my arms. The woman I love. Those words excit me yet scare the shit out of me. I have never been in love before so I want to do this right. But the question is how? I can't offically make her mine because of our student teacher relationship and I don't want to keep this a secret. Thats not fair to her. Gia deserves someone who will worship her and show her off to the world, makig all the guys who had the chance but blew it jellous.

I saw myself 20 years into the future. Gia and I were happily married in a little white house with a white picket fence outside in the country. We have a daughter who has my pesonality but is an exact image of Gia. I don't know if this is a sign that Gia  and I are going to get married but I do know that if we do I will be the happiest man alive. If anyone claims that they are supper happy they can't beat me. And I would vow to give Gia everything she ever desires.

I felt a soft gentle hand carressing my face, I stired and saw my angel in all of her glory.

" Hi beautiful," I wispered then leaned in to kiss her.

She kissed me back and when I pulled away her cheecks were turing a rosy shade of pink. What was with that blush on her face? 

" Penny for your thoughts," I asked.

Why do they say penny for your thoughts if you never give anyone a penny. Wait, I think I have one in the pocket of my jeans. Ah! Found one!

I gave it to Gia who smiled and giggled in return. Note to self save every damn penny you can find from here on out.

"I was thinking about our first kiss."

" Really?"  I mean, I'm glad the thought was of me but our first kiss really? Where did that come from? If anything I thought she would be thinking of the amazing sex last night. Not to brag anything but I know I'm the best she every had by the way she wanted more and kept screaming my name.

" Yup," she agreed.

" What about it," I asked. How good it was? How I have been on her mind since then?

" Oh you know," she teased tracing a small circle on my right nipple, " Just how sloppy it was that it reminded me of a dog."

Yes. Thats it Gia. That feels so damn good baby. Wait... did she say sloppy dog?

" A very cute dog I hope?" Or at least a beast of a dog. If she says like a poddle then I'm gonna prove her wrong.

"No a big, fat, messy one."

Thanks Gia. Those are so the adjetives I wanted to hear.

" I'm screwing with you," she exclaimed.

Oh thank the fucking Lord.

" Your actually a really good kisser."

I know I am. Just as like I'm good at other things.

She got me in the mood again that I spanked her tight firm ass playfully and rolled her over onto her back.

I covered my body over hers, my face inches away.

I want to take her again so badly, but this time I'm going to let her be in control.

When she said she wanted me to show her how good I was I responded with a your in charge tell me what to do respone.

" Lick my pussy,' she ordered.

Oh hell ya! I don't know what she ate last night but her juices were so sweet. It tasted like milk and honey. And god knows I'm a pooh bear when it comes to how much I love honey.

You Bewitch Me Miss Joriseen ( The second novel in I hate you professor)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora