Chapter 1

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Authors Note: Thank you to all who have read my stories. I really do appriciate it :) new chapter is up and is dedicated to Lovedoveo7 and her novel Yes Professor? ( she was the inspiration to start my student/teacher relationship novels) :) Enjoy. Be yourself do what you love :)



March 7th 2015


Making an incohernet sound I fummbled to find my phone. Who ever is calling me this fucking early better have some really good new like I just one the lottery. When I answered with a grumbbled what I reminded myself to change my ringtone, my current one was getting very damn ittirating.

" Good moring Phoniex," Declan Rainsbury sang, " How are you this fine glorious moring?"

Terrible.... It was to early in the moring to be woken up and I only gotten about 2 hours of sleep due to going out and having some "man time" with my brother Petus. Apprently breaking up with your girlfriend of two days calls for a round of tequilla. Or two. More like ten.

I didn't say any of that though. I had act professional. My  boss  is on the other end. He's my superior and I have to be a kiss ass when it comes to him. So instead I told him that I was tired.

" You need to sleep more son," was all Declan had to say.

" Don't call me son, I ordered.

" I call everyone son. For my mission statemant at Rainsbury University is that everyone is treated like family."

I'm going to pretend I did not hear that.

" What do you want?"

" Oh sorry I forgot about that part. Where are you at?"

"Home," I said obviously.

" Please tell me you remembered that you have scholorship auditions to view today?"

Oh shit I compelelty forgot about that! Damn you Petra for making me get fucking wasted! 

" No of course not."

"Ok... Well your first audtionor has arrived. How long will you be?"

If you hang up the phone I can get there faster.

" Give me twenty mintues."

" Ok twenty mintues. See you soon."

He hung up and I burried my head in my pillow.

I'm going to kill the person who though it was a good idea to have audition days on a fucking Saturday.


After a quick shower and picking out the first dress clothes I could find ( a black suite with a white dress shirt and boe tie) I quickly jelled my hair up and sprinted to Ash ( my gray ashton martin. It was a graudation present from my parents) I crancked the engine and headed towards campus. But not before making a quick trip to quick trip to pick up a capichinno. ( I need like four cups of these things to function in the moring and this is all I have time for)

I pulled into the parking lot and too a nice long sip of the steam hot liquid. On my way over to my departmetn area I ran into Trixie Watson, the university's music professor.

She has medium legenth black hair that was braied like the majority of black woman. ( not trying to be racist here. Its the best allolgy I got). She is African American and also eight months pregnant. With her big round belly Trixie has to waddle every where she goes now. It reminds me of a penguin.

You Bewitch Me Miss Joriseen ( The second novel in I hate you professor)Where stories live. Discover now