8. Love Is A Killer

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Aden held the pixie firmly against the wall, holding her a foot off the ground, bringing her up to his eye-level. "Okay, pixie, I need information and I need it fast."

"Who the Hell are you?!"

"I'm Aden Lightingale and I need to know who you work for."

"What? I don't work for anybody."

"We both know that's not true and if you waste anymore time lying the air to the Nightingale government could die and the whole of the Dark World could become a dictatorship by my parents and nobody now I mean nobody wants that." Aden had no idea where this knowledge was coming from, where these words had been stored, where he'd gotten the confidence to say such things. But he was different now. He could feel the change in side of him. He was angry and it had changed him. "I don't know what you mean." The pixie said quietly, the determination slowly slipping out of her voice. "You work for a witch called 'Jemmy' in a coven nobody knows about and when people see the mark of witches on you, they steer clear. C'mon pixie I need information, fast time is precious right now."

"Will you stop calling me pixie, my name is Daisy Lockhart." Aden swallowed loudly. So, this pixie was the daughter of the mayor of pixies. How intriguing. "Daisy please who do you work for?!" She sighed and said, "If you tell my name to anyone and this gets back to me, I'll hunt you down and I'll-"

"We both know you'll do nothing now come on." The pixie narrowed her wicked eyes and Aden focused on her throat. He remembered Zac telling him that pixies were lethal only if you gave them eye-contact. Physical contact was enough, but if you let them look you in the eye, dangerous things could happen. Zac had taught Aden everything about Worlders when Topaz and Alice had found the charmed papers. That's why they were so late to get back to the hotel; they'd been studying Worlders from a distance so Aden could memories their actions, how different they were from the next Worlder. It was a tedious, and yet fascinating day for Aden. Daisy groaned as she realised Aden had already been taught on the pixies way of maiming. "I work for Jemima Lucipher." Aden's eyes flew open. "You do?!" He was almost shouting with glee. "But she's not here!" He frowned. "I gathered that thanks very much." He cast his eyes around the broom cupboard. A blind man would know Jemima wasn't in that cupboard with them. "Not in this cupboard, Angel, I mean in the city. She's gone north to speak with other covens and if I tell you anymore I'll be sacrificed."

"North as in, Scotland?" Daisy nodded. "Why has she gone to speak with other covens?" Daisy shook her head. She wasn't going to say anymore. "Aw c'mon Daisy, we were doing so well." Aden slowly lowered the pixie back onto the ground, keeping a firm grip on her waist, lowering to her eye-level. "I'm not telling you anymore, Aden." Aden straightened like a rocket. "How d'you know my name?!" The pixie smirked and tapped the side of her head. "When you work with witches, you pick up a few tricks of the trade." The Angel swallowed before grabbing his hands off the pixies waist, remembering Topaz. "You breathe a word of this to anyone in your coven, or anyone at all and I'll know about it, understand?" Aden warned, positioning himself in front of the door once more. The pixie nodded. "I don't exactly want anyone to know I've made out with an Angel in a broom cupboard, thanks very much, even if he was a fit one." Aden shuddered with shame and embarrassment. "Not a word, Lockhart, I mean it." And with that he swept out of the cupboard and fled to the doors. He knew of only one way to get to Topaz, and for that he couldn't be seen by anyone.

After taking his things from the cloakroom he pulled the hood down and hiked the bag further up his back, hurrying down the side alley. There were a couple of werewolves kissing passionately at the end of the alley, but he knew they wouldn't see him. He took off at a run towards them before taking off up into the sky, disappearing from view and flying at a speed no Norant mode of transport had ever been able to reach.

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