"Listen here young man, I have been nothing but kind to you for the past two years you've been in a coma. Now are you going to pay my kindness by killing me?"  He asked looking the stranger in the eye. The Abbot didn't fail to catch the look of repentance on the strangers face. He looked dispassionate so Abbot quickly reverted to a logical and fair-minded tactic. "You are hungry, I already got you some drink now calm down while I get it for you. Can you promise not to attack me?"

The stranger nodded his head and Abbot Titan got up carefully making sure he didn't make any abrupt movement the stranger could deem threatening. He gently opened the refrigerator and got the blood he had gotten earlier out. Before he could hand it over, the stranger had snatched it off him and drank with his eyeballs rolled into the back of his head. Abbot could only wish and hope he didn't go into a blood frenzy having lived without it for such a long time.

Once the stranger had finished drinking, he caught Abbot Titan staring at him with scepticism and fascination. The stranger smiled as he was duly grateful for the help the elderly Abbot had rendered him. What he says next though confused and shocked the Abbot.  "Who am I and what is my name?"  He croaked out. Making the Abbot look at him for a while and then proceeded to question him.

"Well, I was hoping you could tell me that when you woke up. But seeing as you don't know either, my guess is that you're suffering from hmm...memory loss."  The Abbot rubbed his hand over in bald head once again cussing his ill fate. 'This is just going to complicate things even more.' He thought to himself. "What is it you remember? I mean don't you remember anything at all?" He looked at him with hopeful eyes.  "Do you remember how you got injured and came to the monastery?"

All the stranger could do was shake his head 'No' which only frustrated the grumpy old Abbot. "So let me get this straight, no name, no age and date of birth, no family, no idea how you got here, no idea how you got beaten up to the point of almost being killed. So basically you are an empty shell."  Abbot Titan was losing the little composure he had left by the minute. What he didn't know though was the stranger wasn't really fairing any better. "Can you even write? Since you ant tell me who you are I am wondering if you remember how to write."

That was the final straw, the stranger had the Abbot against the was as his legs dangled above floor level. "Do not insult our intelligence old man. The only reason you're still alive is because I had swore to not attack or hurt you. Now stop making me regret my decision. There's only so much my vampire can take of the insults you so readily ditch out."  He gently placed the Abbot back on his feet as he gasped for some much needed air.

"I am sorry to have offended your sentiments and I hope you forgive me with time. And someday we could be best of friends."  The Abbot genuinely spoke to which the stranger nodded his head happily. An overwhelming feeling of longing and sadness suddenly enveloped him. No matter how much he tried to brush it off, he unfortunately had no such luck. But not wanting to give the Abbot anymore ammunition to degrade him, he decided to keep what he felt to himself. Knowing he had other pressing matters that he was sure needed sorting out. Like who he was and who had hurt him wanting him dead? First though he needed a name.

"I was thinking perhaps I need a new name since I cannot remember mine and something tells me I need a fresh start."  The stranger smirked as the Abbot's brain went into an over drive trying to figure what would help. "I was thinking about calling myself Des as in Desmond. I wanted something easy to spell and remember. Now Abbot Titan I need you to tell me everything you know about me."

The Abbot told the stranger everything from the start making sure he didn't skip or forgot anything. Once he was done, they talked about his feeding and he made a promise not to bite anyone. What surprised Abbot Titan was the strangers restrain. The Abbot had expected the stranger to go into a bloodlust frenzy. He was glad and at that moment he knew he had made a friend for life. One he'll protect and stand next to for as long as they lived.

Who knew things were about to turn really strange?


Author's note: Sorry about the long wait I had to seriously contemplate if I should write in a third person perspective.


Now who is stranger one and two?

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