Retribution (part two)

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George's Pov

Eighteen days....eighteen days since my Mira disappeared in the middle of the night. Eighteen days since I last showered or slept. The agonising pain I feel from her being tortured and sexually penetrated is the worse thing one could ever wish on their enemy. And knowing it couldn't have been consensual makes it all the more painful.

We all knew it wasn't consensual because it went on for hours and at all times of the day. I have had to block my wolf else I'd go crazy. Marcus has taken it bad, not being able to feel Mira's wolf or fairy. So the priestess suggested he was shielded from my pain and thoughts.

Josh though was another story altogether, it had taken over thirty able bodied men to restrain him when he had gotten back. He wanted to have me killed for not protecting his mother and I was willing to allow him if he hadn't been stopped. I was ashamed of being unable to protect my mate and I deemed myself unworthy of her.

Our children just wanted their mother back, the kingdom wanted it's queen home, I wanted my mate and wife home with us where she belonged. It has affected everyone who knew her. We've sent search parties out to every supernatural kingdom except for the vampires. Nolan has refused my trackers entry on some technical ground. So I told the council of supernaturals that if he doesn't allow my search in three days it would mean war.

Only after we watched camera footage of Mira leaving the palace on her own free will did I relax a little as we had initially thought she was taken while we slept. The kingdom right now was barely functioning while I coordinate the search for Mira. I gave father power over the kingdom temporarily. And so he was doing the best he possibly could at the moment.

As I walked out of my room having sniffed Mira's pillow for the thousandth time, I found the kids in the hall way. They haven't been in school since the incident. "Father, it's imperative we speak to you immediately." Geum said with a serious look on his face. I knew it could only mean bad news. Not again, not another bad news. I've had far too many of them lately.

"What is it Geum?" I asked solemnly dreading what they had to say. "Is it your mother? Have you any useful information? Wait just tell me she's ok." Suddenly scared out of my 'wits end'.

"She's pregnant. If that qualifies as her being ok I don't know." JinJoo cut in being her childish self. At that moment I finally lost it for good because I growled so loudly every window within and around the palace cracked open. That was it for me, no more council, no more precaution since I decided to throw it out. Marcus broke through shifting, everyone ran or got out of my way.

I wanted blood from the people holding my Mira. And no one would be spared my wrath. As I dashed out in wolf form, not even caring or looking where I was going. Very few were brave enough to run behind me. And the consisted of my Grandfather, my Father, Adrian, and the ten head Alphas. I was stronger, bigger and faster than all of them.

"Please George control yourself, stop Marcus or else you'll end up destroying this kingdom."

"My king stop it please. You're scaring our people."

"Calm down please. What would Mira say if she saw the destruction you've left in your path?"

I kept getting voices begging me to reign in control of Marcus but I couldn't perhaps I was just as crazy as he was. Nothing was going to work unless he perhaps tired himself out. I was in the forest for twenty four hours not and it didn't look like I would be stopping anytime soon.

The more I thought of Mira being raped and now pregnant, the more upset I got. The moon goddess must have known death would befall on everything in my path because she blocked my powers. Else the damage would have been a lot worse than it was right now.

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