Hello babies and did you say wolf?

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Photo of the babies at One month old

Mira's Pov

It's been a month since Nicholas's funeral I still couldn't speak. The therapist thinks I should be fine once I got over the trauma of losing Nick. I don't know how on earth he expects me to do that.

My babies are very active they only stop when I'm asleep or I tell them to. It's amazing actually, all I have to do is rub my stomach and talk to them in my head saying, ' Good babies Mother needs to rest now why don't you all go to sleep.' And that's it . They go to sleep. Amrita found it funny when I told her. I was being to smile a bit more often now but the only things that bring me joy are my kids.

Before Josh left for school, we spent a lot of time together. I also asked him what he thought about going to school in china selling our home and the impending birth of his siblings. He was okay with going to school in china as long as we kept our home. He didn't want it sold but was okay with renting it out. After much consideration I agreed as well.

He always wanted siblings so this was the best gift I could have give him. Whenever he was near the babies were the most active. He would kiss my tummy and that will excite them even more.

We still couldn't get a glimpse of them during scans, I was so big. The midwives thinks I should be due any day now. I was four months pregnant but the hospital says forty-nine weeks. I was done arguing with them. Walking into Tesco, I felt liquid run down my legs. I jumped then turned to Amrita who was visiting for the weekend pointing to my legs since I had on a knee length maternity gown.

She immediately called the hospital to let them know we were on our way. I got in the back seat and we drove down. When we got there, they were waiting outside for me. I was rushed in and taken straight into the operating theatre. Amrita was with the whole time. A scan was done once again and this time the babies were seen. I was having quadruplets . Which made me both excited and nervous.

Thirty minutes later I had my babies in my hands. Two identical boys and identical girls. They had head full of blonde hair just like their father. With his piercing silver eyes. The only thing they had that looked a bit like mine was their full lips. Amrita was still in a trance, not knowing what to make of them.

I kissed their hands pulling it to my mouth and they just stared at me. Forgetting I haven't spoken in months, I spoke without thinking of it. "Amrita stop day dreaming your new nieces and nephews want you." I smiled a genuine happy smile graced my lips. She moved closer and they stared at her.

"Didi, you are talking. you actually spoke to me" . She said excitedly.

"Oh my goodness me I can talk once again" . I didn't even know or realize I had spoken it came naturally to me. I was taken to a ward where I finally slept with Amrita watching over them.

When I woke up there was a nurse or at least that was what I thought she was looking at my babies and the way she stuck her nose out it was obviously she was trying to sniff something out. My maternal instinct kicked out immediately. I went closer to them and scowled at her for being too close to my babies. She just smile them left.

I wondered where Amrita went. Just then she walked in saying she had been in the washroom sine they were asleep. I told her of the strange lady I woke up to find near them. I just couldn't wait to go home. We've been told we should be free to leave tomorrow.

But that night the strange lady returned waking me up this time around. "Hello my name is Karen Sakes but please call me Karen" I was a bit apprehensive at first but something told me to trust her.

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