Everyone's talking about them

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George's Pov

As we retired for the night I couldn't help but feel this wasn't how I wanted things to go, I had plan on speaking to the werewolf council before everyone found out. Now it's the other way around. I've got a lot of damage control to do before we set off for our honeymoon, if we're still able to that is. I'll probably have to postpone it for now.

We changed into comfortable clothes and I grabbed the day bag I had Amrita pack for her. It was a surprise I had planned out for her just for tonight. "Where are you taking me hubby?" She asked and I liked the sound of that. She was too big now to shift so I shifted and she got on my back while we headed into the forest. It was so quiet it seems even the birds and insects knew to leave us in peace. If only everyone else would do the same.

"It's so peaceful here hubby, and I like the sound of the running river or is it a fountain?" I could answer her through mind link but I just wanted it to be a surprise. I wanted her to see it for herself. And I wanted to see the look on her face when she did. "Hmm you're playing 'mysterious' I see I hope you know I too can play that game?" She asked me.

We finally came to our destination. I shifted back into human form then took the blindfold off her eyes and her face was priceless it was already well worth it for me. "Wow....where are we I mean I know we're in a forest but where exactly?" She rambled.

"It's just the one in front of the palace. Do you like it here?" I asked her knowing simple things pleased her. "It's nothing much but I thought I should bring you to my favourite place."

"Why didn't you bring me here before?" She pouted and rubbed the back of my neck. How do I tell her I was too busy and had forgotten? Oh that'll make her mad.

"I wanted to even before I met you, I discovered this place as a kid and I had said I was going to propose to my mate here. But I never got to doing that with you. It's going to be our special place from now on. The only person that knows of this location is Adrian and he's no allowed here." I told her touching here arms and pulling her into a kiss.

"It's ok, let's go look around, I really like it already. I could see myself spending days here, just me and you. No one else." I liked the sound of that so I took her hands leading the way. "Oh George look at those cherry blossoms. They are my favourite plants even though they only blossom for such a short time. Perhaps I like that they're not only beautiful but scarce."

She gasped and said with so much happiness and her eyes twinkling with fondness and love. "I guess I did well to have left this place intact in it's natural habitat." I said and she nodded enthusiastically.

"What's that light over in the distance?" She asked as we approached the hut I had built myself, wood by wood and a zinc for roof. Behind it though was a state of the art cabin I also had done. It was a secret interest of mine to have things built from scratch. So I had done this gradually until it got this far alone with help from no one.

"Come on, lets check it out". She told me excitedly. I pulled her back to me looking her in the eyes and holding her close I asked her.

"Aren't you scared that there might be danger lurking around?" It bothered me that she wasn't.

"No, I'm not. Only because I have you with me. Who could harm me when you're with me George? I know you'll do anything to keep me safe so why bother?" That touched my soul and made my wolf proud. 'Yes, she trust's us to protect her. She has faith in us.' Marcus my wolf said.

I kissed her deeply, making my wolf growl in satisfaction. He likes it rough and demanding but I always have to remind myself that she's pregnant. Heck she even likes it that way. She likes being dominated as long as it's done in the confines of our bedroom and not in front of others she's fine with it.

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