A massacre and what are they?

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 Photo of Adrian on the side

 Mira's pov

While practicing my dance steps I couldn't help but think what I wanted from this little thing George and I had going on. I couldn't out right call it a relationship because I honestly don't do relationships. Don't get me wrong i know for a fact that I do love him, I like how he makes me feel safe and loved. Not to forget what he does to my body.

The kids need a fatherly figure in their lives, they need their father. But was a really willing to let them go with him? I certainly want what's best for them and I'm sure he's what is best for them. But what about me and Josh? Where would that leave us?

I have all my businesses out here, the only reason I moved around for a long time was because of the quads. Now they don't need me and won't have to o all over with me. Joshua is my main priority, my major concern. I'm not saying I don't love the quads equally but rather I still feel as though it was my fault his father died. So to make up for it all, I'm having to fill in not only as his mother but as his father.

The thought of not being with George hurts though. But the though of hurting Joshua hurts more. While talking to George last night he mentioned and told me I was his mate. Knowing Karen has told me all there was to know about mates, I knew how important we were to one another. This just makes it even harder knowing I will always pick Josh over everything else.

I finished perfecting my dance move and left my private dance studio walking towards the main building, I saw the kids outside running around with their father. The sight made my heart race. It gave off a warm feeling. Everyone else stood on the sideline watching them. The atmosphere was one on love and happiness. I signalled Karen to join me. I wanted to ask her something that was bothering me and I kept forgetting to ask.

"Miss Karen, sorry to disturb you but there's something I've been wanting to ask you." I said knitting my brows together.

"Go ahead ma'am." She replied with a frown probably thinks what my question could be.

"It's about George and the people he came with. I meaning they bow their heads to him, call me queen, and the kids princess and prince. Don't get me wrong i know we got that quite a lot when we lived in Korea, but that was a traditional way of showing respect over there." I said looking at her surprise look when I finished.

"Ma'am, you seriously didn't know your mate is the king of wolves? The most powerful wolf, the most powerful supernatural being in the world?" She said astonished. Well my face mirrored hers. I seriously looked at her like she was crazy. I shook my head.

"No I didn't know, I always thought there was something regal about him. But not that he was an actual king." I rubbed my the back of my neck once again feeling stupid. I should have known. From the way he commanded people around when he spoke. The way he walked like he owned the world and from the way people around him literally worshipped the ground on which he walked. Bloody hell. I was always good at judging characters.

"Ma'am he is in fact a king and that makes you our queen. The werewolf world have awaited for arrival for over a decade. Five years ago, while he was the crown prince, we all knew he had found his mate, but was later told she left him after they had mated. It affected us but he was then crowned king. Looking back now we all know it was you. To think that I've been next to my queen all this time is shocking and a little overwhelming." She finished with a smile.

"I cannot do it Karen, I cannot be a queen. It's just not me." She looked shocked at my declaration. I suppose after showing a strong front for years, showing a weak side to me just doesn't cut it. "I'm certainly not good enough for him, Joshua needs me, even though I was brought up being all preened and proper, I just don't want the added responsibilities that come with being his queen." I cried feeling really emotional.

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