Pregnancy and a shocker .

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The song on the side describes Mira's feeling

 Photo of Amrita on the side

Mira's Pov

It's been a day since I found out I was pregnant. I handed in my notice at work today. I had just a week with them and my resignation should be processed. When I walked through the doors the landline telephone rang. Knowing it was Nicholas, I answered it before Joshua or Amrita did. " Hello Nick." He didn't say hello just. "Pass me on to my son." I knew I had to come on stronger to him or he'll avoid any altercation between us.

"Listen Nick, we need to talk. I know what I'd done in beyond forgiveable, but please understand I am sorry." I took in a deep breath the continued since he said nothing else I took it as permission to proceed. "What I'm about to tell you no matter how much I sugarcoat it won't sound good.

"What is it Mira? What more have you got to say? You've finally ruined our chance of ever working out our problems. This is all your fault. " That's it I got mad when he said that. I guess my homones have started playing tricks on me.

"Shut up! Shut up! You bloody bastard! Don't you go blaming me our marriage was over before Joshua was born . Yes that's ten years ago. How dare you blame me for breaking something that was never whole to begin with!" I screamed at him. "When I spoke to you about seeking help, marriage counselling. You told me it was unbecoming of you to talk to others of you personal affairs." At this point I was breathing hard, tears pouring out my eyes.

"Ok sorry for blaming you. We are both equally at fault. But that does mean you go out and shag some freaking stranger." He growled. Yes my husband actually growled like he was some animal. Now I knew he was right and if I didn't talk to him, tell him why I wanted to talk to him, he was going to hang up or just call Josh's mobile telephone if needed.

"I didn't ask to talk about all this over the phone, but the reason I asked to talk to you is because I'm pregnant Nick. I was going to wait to tell you when you got home but I felt it wasn't the right thin to do. You probably hate me, infact I know you hate me and have every right to. But please don't be mad at the baby that didn't ask to be brought into this godforsaken situation."

All my rambling Nick was quiet. But I thought I heard him say 'I knew it' he said it so quietly when I asked what he meant he said " Nothing just leave me the heck alone." And he hung up on me. That night once again I cried myself to sleep the pain on my chest was getting worse.

The morning sickness was gone the very next day. Which was a good thing and a respite at such. I had it bad when I was pregnant with Josh. I was sick from the start until the morning I had him. So not being sick anymore was a welcomed change.

A week later I stopped working and also noticed I already have a showing baby bump which was strange since I was only two weeks pregnant. I didn't think much of it at the time, I thought I was probably eating too much hence the bump.

I got a rude awakening a week later during a visit to my GP (General practitioner) after a casual examination he asked that I have a blood test and a scan done.

Today I'm off to the hospital to get them done. Josh left for school yesterday. And my sister has returned to London. Now alone, I got in the car and headed for the hospital. I have always been scared of needles so Nick usually held my hands. Today I was alone for the first time in my life I knew what been lonely meant. I thought I was lonely before but now it felt a lot worse. There was no familiar face to look at , no familiar voice to listen to. I really was alone.

I spoke to the midwife after much hassle, I finally had my blood taken. I walked toward the room to have my scan done. I was scared because I was beginning to have a feeling something wasn't right about this pregnancy. After a little chat I laid down and she got to work

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