Pure blinding rage

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 Geum's wolf during his rage on the side


Macy Gray 'I Try' on the side



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Josh's Pov

Before we left the palace, I felt something wasn't right. At first I thought the emotions I felt came from mother not being happy dad couldn't come with us.  But as soon as we exited the car, the feelings became magnified ten folds. All I could sense were death and tears, though looking around, my environment was nothing short of calm, happiness and tranquil. A sharp contrast to the other emotions running through me in an incomprehensible manner.

We got seated as expected and the game started. "Listen kiddos, something is awfully wrong, I'm not sure what it is yet but could you guys be careful?" I told my siblings through our mind links. They briefly looked at me, taking in my serious expression, they nodded their heads.

"I can feel it too Hyeong. I thought I was just being a little too sensitive that's all."  San Ho responded quietly rather than using the mind link. "Let's keep an eye on mother without having to scare her."

"Let's do just that. I want the four of you to act like you're into the game and there's nothing bothering you. Jin Joo I want you and Yeon Ok to act all playful like kids your age do.  Geum and San Ho keep shoving each other."  I whispered for only the five of us to hear. They agreed in the affirmative.

So while they continued with the plan, Laurent joined us and knowing his relationship with aunt Amrita, I knew she was in safe hands. I could see the strange look I kept getting from both of them but decided to ignore them.

Twenty minutes into the game, the horses suddenly went berserk. While everyone looked on wondering what the hell was wrong, I knew it was time. So I got up and shouted, "Everyone leave this arena immediately."  Confused they all remained still staring at me. Death I thought, so many were going to die. And knowing I could have done something to save them hurts.

I growled loud as assassins suddenly got on the field killing indiscriminately, everything and anything that were in their path. Instead of people getting out, they were running inside trying to protect us.  "Get outside and stay away!"  I commanded but only few heard me as the killers headed for us. They wanted mother alive and we were wanted dead.

Myself and Geum jumped ahead and got into fighting stance. While the others surrounded mother. My wings came out and Geum shifted into his wolf that now looked double in size. I quickly made simple work of the vampires that had approached me. Ripping their heads off in seconds. Geum made a huge fire ball and threw it at them burning several vampires. We proceeded in killing them in that manner.

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