Rehearsal dinner and Amrita's mate

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Photo of the bridesmaid dresses on the side

George's Pov

It was the morning after the ball, tonight was rehearsal dinner with both sides of the family and then the day after tomorrow, we were finally going to get married. I couldn't wait to legally make Mira mine. We've come a long way and it hasn't been a smooth sailing.

I was still seething from what happened the night before, my wolf wanted me to now go over to Nolan and kill him. It has now come to my understanding he created that distraction to get me away from Mira. I know I was going to face Josh's wrath sooner or later for leaving Mira's side unprotected. But for now, I had a bunch of council members to face.

As I walked towards the hall where they were gathered, I could hear the thoughts of everyone around me. I dug my hands in my pockets knowing all that was on their minds were the kids beating up Nolan and him saying he was Mira's companion.

I hated hearing both their names in the same sentence. The doors opened and I was greeted by the members of council. Cutting to the chase. "To what do I owe this urgent meeting?"

"Your majesty, we would like to speak about what happened last night at the ball. It was disrespectful of prince Joshua to argue with the king of the vampires." I stayed silent.

"Yes your majesty, he shouldn't be there in the first place. Just because his 'mother' is your mate doesn't make him a royal or one of us." I growled at that. And he shivered looking scared. So I spoke.

"Josh is my son. This is the last time I will have anyone of you speak ill of him. What he did was honourable, he protected him mother and your future queen." I looked around and some of them had their heads bowed down in shame.

"Where were you when Nolan was touching your future queen and mother to the heir of this kingdom? Where were you while he compelled her into thinking they were mates?" I grow,ed out the word 'mates'. "Don't go complaining about my son's so called 'disrespect' towards Nolan. 'Respect must be earned not demanded'. And Nolan didn't earn his, he had demanded it and as far as my children are concerned he serves nothing."

I stood up abruptly, "I have nothing else to say on this matter, we will meet again after the wedding. I have several announcements to make." They all bowed down their heads as I walked off in search of Joshua. I just hope he's more understanding I thought to myself.

Josh wasn't in his room, so I mind linked wanting to know if anyone had seen him. "They are all training together in their secret place." Adrian had responded to my question.

"Ok I needed to watch them train anyway. So I will be going down there." I told Adrian dismissing him. But he asked to come watch with me since he's curious at what their training entails. "Ok, but be careful so you don't get hurt in there."

We went to them making sure we weren't being followed. I scanned my eyes to open the doors. When we walked in Geum was learning how to make his fire bigger. "Damn." Adrian said beside me. I forgot he didn't know the control the elements.

 JinJoo came closer and asked for a fist challenge. I laughed when she looked at Adrian. He looked so scared and told he wasn't feeling to well. "Mr Adrian, you need to start training kat."

While Adrian was taken aback by her comment, I knew she must have seen something that requires Adrian's little girl to be strong. "Teach her defence, don't go easy on her training. She'll tell you she hates you for it, but really, she doesn't." JinJoo finished then walked off.

"What was that about? Is it that she had a vision of kat being in trouble?" He asked worriedly.

"Most likely, at least now you have to prepare her. Don't fail her Adrian." I finished and we watched them train.

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