Bedrest? Pssh, Who Needs Bedrest?

Start from the beginning

"Libby, what the fucking hell are ye doing out of bed?!" Chibs demanded, grabbing my upper arm. I winced at the strangely familiar pain that brought back terrible memories.

"Chibs please." I whimpered, struggling in his grip but he showed no mercy.

"Didn't I tell you to stay in bed?"

"Chibs, let me go."

"No! What the hell were you thinking? You know you're not supposed to be up and moving!"

"Man, maybe you should let her go." Opie offered, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder. Chibs shot the taller man a glare then held a harder grip before the panic attack started to overcome my state of mind.

"Stop,stop,stop!! Lemme go,let me go!! Please stop, let me go!" I sobbed, struggling in his grip as I yanked and pulled. Jax pushed Chibs away from me as the Scotsman stared at me in astonishment while Donna and Opie consulted me. I pulled myself into a ball as I begun to cry even harder than I ever had and my chest heaved with every heavy breath.

It was a hard hammer on my lungs and my vision blurred as I shoved them away cruelly, pulling at my skin, almost like I wanted to escape my own body. I tried to drown the horrible demon but it flashed a devious grin at me then swam to the surface and shoved me back under the water of terror.

"Libby,Libby,c'mon, darlin', open your eyes. You're okay, I swear to Christ, you're okay!" Jax barked,pulling me into his arms. I struggled against him as the hot tears burned their path down my cheeks like a brand against my skin.

When I woke up,(woke up? When the hell did I fall asleep) I was in my usual room, tucked under my comforter. I struggled to untangle myself from the blanket when someone entered the dark room. The blond hair and shining blue eyes gave away his person but he didn't come any closer than sitting on the end of the bed.

"How are you feeling? Everyone's worried and so am I but I'm more curious to what caused the panic attack."

"A lot of things can happen in two weeks,Jax." I lied through my teeth as I struggled with the sheets. He gripped the end of the fabric and tugged,yanking it from my body.

"That's a bullshit lie and we both know it. Now you can tell me the truth now or later. Either way, I'll find out and when I do, I'll comfort you about it." I rolled onto my side, bot bothering to face him or my problems. Coward,my demon whispered,its teeth pulled back into a terrible sneer.

I ducked my head under my pillow with a grimace before I felt his weight lift from the mattress then the door shut as he left me alone with my thoughts. A few hours had passed until my next visitor entered the room.

"You're looking slightly better." Gemma chorused as she sat beside me. I curled into her,my eyes welling with tears but I forced them away as she petted my hair and stated, "I heard Jax came to check in on you."

"Yeah. I kind of gave him the silent treatment. I don't know how to feel right now." I admitted,sighing. She patted my head then agreed,"It's okay, baby girl. There's a lot of moments where you should and usually do feel like that."

"I feel empty." She heaved out a sigh as well then comforted, "Libby, that's what's happens over time in this club. I don't blame you but you'll learn to adapt. We all do. All of the old ladies do. Donna,me,Luann -"

"Who's Luann?" I interrupted, glancing up at her. She grinned and said,"Come on,baby. I agree with Clay. You need out of this bed and you do need to meet Lu." She helped me out of the bed and let me change. When the guys went to protest me leaving the Clubhouse, the Reaper Queen sent them withering glares to keep their mouths shut.

We arrived at a warehouse and I hobbled to join Gemma on the other side of the car before we entered the building. Inside was a bunch of cameras,couches, beds, and several other items. Almost like... Like a porno business.

"What the hell is this place?" I asked, turning to Gemma for an answer but another woman replied for her,"Oh, sweetheart, welcome to Cara Cara."

The woman who answered me was an older lady about Gemma's age but was beautiful all the same. Cara Cara? I think Clay mentioned that name sometime ago.

"I'm Luann and you must be Libby. Girl, you'd made a damn good pornstar. Now I can see why Prince of Charming is interested in you. You've got the curves, great hair, and-" she grabbed my breasts then squeezed before moving to my butt.

"What the fuck,dude!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Jesus Christ,girlie, you've got a hell of a body. Those tits and that ass. Mm hmm." the lady approved but I shrunk in worry,shooting Gemma a confused look only to earn a laugh in return.

"Luann, quit molesting her. Jax'll throw a fit if he finds put you're trying to convert her into a pornstar." Gemma defended me but her grin allowed me to relax slightly.

"Sorry,girl, couldn't help it. I'm Luann and I run Cara Cara, the porn business in Charming. I'm also married to Otto, one of the Sons." She flashed a tattoo at me and it was a crow, obviously meaning that she had some connection with SAMCRO.

"I don't get it. What's the deal with the crow tats?" I asked after we sat down and chatted with each other for several hours. Gemma turned and answered my question,"When a Son makes you his old lady, he also gives you his crow. They usually design the tats themselves so the crows look different."

"Speaking of crows, here comes your's." Luann stated, nudging me.  I frowned at her words and turned just I locked eyes with his,causing my heart to flutter at the sight of him. But my eyes turned cold as a porn star walked up to him,caressing his face. He shoved her away as I stalked over to him then pulled him go my level.

He crushed his lips to mine as his hands gripped onto my bottom,acting as if it was an anchor then I tugged on his hair. He groaned and I took the opportunity to explore the hot cavern of his mouth.

"You have no idea what you do to me, do you?" he asked as he pushed into the cradle of my thighs, causing me to groan.

"You're the Devil." I accused, pulling away from him but his hold on my body didn't loosen even though we both knew we were being watched. He chuckled then shook his head and replied,"As long as you're my fallen angel."

Gemma cleared her throat then asked,"Are you done, or do you want Luann to start rolling the cameras to film a porno starring you two lovers?" I blushed as Jax set me back on my feet but he kept his arm around my waist then answered, "Actually, I just came here to pick up Libby. Someone wants to talk to her."

Me? Who wants to talk to me? Was it Clay? Or Opie. Maybe it was even Tig. Ah, hell, who knows?

"C'mon, darlin', this person isn't exactly very patient." Okay, so it could be anyone at this point. Jax led me to his bike and we drove back to the Clubhouse where Opie and Donna was standing outside,looking like they were saying their good night's. It was late, probably about a few minutes till eleven.

"Night,guys." the couple waved as they passed us,causing me to cross Opie from my list. Jax tugged me towards the dorms, passing Clay and Tig at the same time which left me wondering. Seriously. Who the hell wants to talk to me?

Jax pushed open the door and shoved me inside before shutting the wood behind me. I turned to see who it was and it shocked me when I knew it shouldn't have.

"Sit down, lass. I think we need to talk."

Hello,hello,hello!! I'm super proud of myself because not only did I post this chapter,but I also tried put for the solo in choir but I also got the part!! Eep! So hap hap!! Hope you guys liked this one.

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