† Thirty Three †

291 13 8

Ayame and Ai...


Ai breathed heavily on the ground for the first time as she turned to her partner who's already bleeding profusely. Ayame's body were full of deep cut wounds just like hers. Suddenly, her thoughts were cut off when she saw Yuukineki stepped on Ayame's head. He was clearly pissed.

"You're really clever I must say" the silverette man chuckled evilly with venom dripping in every word "...But not strong enough to defeat me"

Ayame whimpered as the foot on the bluenette felt like its crushing her skull...




The moment Yuukineki side-glanced her, several deep slashes along both Ai and Ayame appeared on their body as if they were sliced by thousands of blades. Both girls were sent kneeling down the ground and the fast thumping of their beating hearts clearly stated the fighting difference between two opposing teams.

The silverete man smirked---- Everything was so fast that he's now kneeling on the ground, same as the two girls----?? Wait... Yuukineki turned his attention to Ai who is alone and kneeling on the ground with a demon beast beside her. The Artificial Intelligence was protected by a blue wisp barrier with the other girl nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, he felt something wet dripping down from his forehead. His vision on his right eye now had some red in it. "I told you right??" Ayame said her face serious without a hint of the usual easy-going bubbly girl while walking towards him "I don't plan on dieing tonight"

Yuukineki smirked before moving his hand to swipe the blood on trailing down his forehead. The movement made his own wound magically disappear in which earned him two alarmed girls.

"Looks like I really underestimated you, little girl" the silverette man chuckled evilly "Now I can finally go all out" before he moved at high speed in which caught the two girls off guard.


End of Flashback...


"Stop it!!" Ai hollered, attacking Yuukineki with a lightning strike. The two commenced in a fight and with the girl's temperamental behavior of seeing her friend like that, she was easily beaten by the man. Yuukineki laughed and with his power, he broke Ai's left arm in a blink of an eye.

"AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!" the agonizing scream echoed throughout the dome. The silverette villain smirked at the heavily breathing silverette raging girl before him. Amused at the fury filling her large blue eyes.

"Poor child" Yuukineki chuckled, ready to give the final blow. However...






"Looks like you've suffered a terrible fate" a bone shivering malicious voice said while chuckling like a mad man "haven't you, Ai?? Ayame??"

"Hahahahah!!!" continued the forever smiling ravenette, laughing at the bloody scene "Didn't know that you two will Go to Sleep before me!!"

"Why do I have to be partnered with you two again??" sighed the eyeless one "You two are noisy as always..."




The familiar voices of the voices made the girls smile wide for some reason...

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