† Eighteen †

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Subaru's POV...




"Don't close you're eyes!!" the sound of metal hitting metal continued after Carla hollered at Yumi-chan. Its been a month already since we all left the Elven Kingdom and went to the Demon World. It wasn't easy to get to the other side of the boundary as we have to travel for a week before we were able to get there.

If it wasn't for the apocalypse, the barrier will not be weakened. The Elders also advised us about the other world. It will be much different than where we came from. Humans who will venture through the place will not last that long because of the air. Its like toxic gas to them, so we had difficulty if we would bring the humans of our group.

But when Nadia and Amaya went in, we thought its the end. They gasped for breath instantly and I guess the risk was worth it. Their necklaces glow and they were able to breathe suddenly normal. As for Ayame, she came in as if it was nothing. I guess it must be the blessing of the tengus and her gained ability of summoning demons.

"Are you sure that they can be trusted??" Azusa asked sternly than his usual demeanor. I realized that he must be talking about Carla and Lucifena. Even the faces of my other brothers says it all. They hate them with a passion. Must be because of the incident years back.

However, even I, myself, is also doubting if I should trust them. true that they were the ones who brought both me and Yumi-chan back to life but their actions before that is still something they cannot just turn an eye out. I sighed before telling them about the good deeds they have done, as well as the three gems we were able to gather together. So why not give them a chance?? Even Yumi-chan thinks so too.

"Just make sure they won't try anything funny" Reiji-nii assured me that if anything goes wrong, I will be the one to blame. It just made me sweatdrop. Why only me when Yumi-chan also trusted them?? Even the 12 guardians are also buddy buddy with them. Not to mention that Kira seems to harbour some deep affection to the silverette founder.


End of Subaru's POV...


Its been a while since Carla-san started training me. He doesn't have to be the leader anymore because Reiji-nii, Ruki-nii, Prince Eliot and Skye-san are already enough to maintain the balance of the group. But set that aside, Carla-san seems to be a very good teacher. He attacks me and if I wasn't able to counter it well, he always gives me good advices----




"Carla-san!!" I quickly run to his side, alarming the others. However, what caught me off guard of that his hand that he used to cover his mouth when he coughed is now covered in blood. But unfortunately, he told me that class is dismissed and went out far. I insisted that I'll heal him but he didn't hear me out. Just what's wrong with him??

"It's Endzeit..." all our heads turn to Satran-nii who seems like he doesn't care that Prince Eliot is glaring daggers at him. True that we all know that Endzeit is the curse Velma put upon Asrael, but what does it have to do with Carla-san?? As if sensing our thoughts, Mackenzie-san started explaining us the truth about the curse. It wasn't just an incureable disease that shortens the life span but it is also a curse passed on Asrael's children and to the next generation.

My eyes widenned as I never knew Carla-san was actually going on such burden...


3rd Person's POV...


Somewhere far away, a certain someone were looking at the group with mad eyes. How its body shook in anticipation to hear screams of agony and blood dyeing the green grass red. However, the order of the Demon King is absolute. The brats should not die yet. Afterall, how could Zephir be revived if the fresh blood of that blessed woman will not reach there??

"Dying for blood..??" an unexpected someone said, catching this person off guard "You know the orders... we need the princess........ alive......"

"I-I deeply apologize, your highness..." the person kneeled down, shaking slightly in fear under the aura of full killing intent that this person have. Even the glowing golden snake-like eyes that look down upon this person seems to crush its very soul to the core. It was a good thing that the founder spared its single pathetic life. Just because the power this kneeling person still proved useful to the Demon King.

"Tell my brother that we have all decided to go to the Mountain of Obsidian..." the founder said "The shards of the Great Five Elders have entrusted it to the Sakamaki Princess along with the three other shards that her brother collected along with his companions"

"Yes your highness" the servant answered immediately before suddenly disappearing in a blink of an eye. The founder smiled sadistically, looking towards the direction of the group as the image of a morbid portrait of hell that will soon to come, invaded the already sick and twisted little mind this person have.

The ambush at the said place, the separation of these obstructions, the stealing of the shards and the kidnapping of the sacrificial princess is going RIGHT along the Demon Lord's plan.

"Let's see how great these chosen guardians of the Great Five Elders are" the silverette smirked and laughed maniacally....


End of 3rd Person's POV...


"Hey guys!!" Ayame-san who just came at the right time cheered, breaking the heavy atmosphere. She was with Kira-san and they both carry freshly caught fishes with them. Seems like the blue haired jolly girl are very talented with catching fishes. Oh hw we did not realized they were actually missing until now.

The guys all sweatdropped, knowing that THEY actually let the girls handle men's job. Especially when Nadia-san and Lucifena who just came too, were carrying firewood for camping tonight. But what's surprising is that they looked as if the pile of woods aren't heavy. Well its understandable since Lucifena-san is actually an Archdemon while Nadia-san must have used an elephant's strength thanks to her magical necklace.

Yuma-nii and Suba-nii, my strongest brothers, instinctively went towards the two girls to take the pile of woods for them while Laito-nii and Kou-nii took the fishes from the other two girls. "You four should have told us that you're all going to gather supplies!!" Aya-nii scolded them before my two older ravenette brothers "Why don't you all let the men handle the hard jobs?!"

"Since when are you a gentleman??" Shu-nii pokerfaced at the younger Sakaaki, making us chuckle. Afterall, just because we're in a war doesn't mean that we can't have fun even for a while. As for the camping, we need to save our strengths for our journey towards the Mountain of Obsidian. Its the shortest possible way towards the Castle of Alissa anyway.






"Oh, you're back" Asagi-san said, noticing that Carla-san finally came back after he took a break for a while. However, she seems to notice something amiss with him that most of us failed to notice. She was a two-face liar afterall, so she could tell better than any of us. Satran-nii and Skye-san seemed to notice her uneasiness.

"Is everything alright??" Skye-san asked in which the other just shook her head in response. It must be her immagination or maybe the duty and responsibilities of being a guardian must getting on to her. However, Satran-nii knows better. He maybe a perfect liar to know it immediately and faster than Asagi-san but he did not say anything.

No one ever knows what's on his mind as his eyes turn to look at a certain someone with skeptically...

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