† Fifteen †

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The sound of trying to stab us telekinetically echoed throughout the battle ground of our coven. Shu-nii was fighting us alongside the Mukamakis and other Sakamaki brothers. "DO'NT LOOSE FOCUS!!" Kana-nii hollered before attacking us.

Explosion and fire surrounded us. Basically, they were actually training us to make us fight back with our lives on the line. I used Ruki-nii's ice creation magic and instantly made a shield, extinguishing Kana-nii's fire.

It was hard and I saw the others are having a hard time too. The battle that was supposed to be training became extreme than I anticipated. Not to mentio my brothers aren't holding back with:


Shu-nii = Telekinesis
Reiji-nii = Kidou Strings
Aya-nii = Electrokinesis
Kana-nii = Pryrokinesis
Laito-nii = Voice Compulsion
Ruki-nii = Cyrokinesis
Yuma-nii = Geokinesis
Kou-nii = Telephathy + Hemokinesis
Azu-nii = Chrono-telekinesis
Yui-chan = Precognition + Cancel


Me = Gift Sharing Ability (Link)
Ai-san = Electrokinesis
Kira-san = Dark Magic (surprisingly)
Asagi-san = Lunarkinesis
Skye-san = Hypnotic Compulsion
Nadia-san = Beastial Abilities
Amaya-san = Geokinesis
Ayame-san = Summoning Magic
Mackenzie-san = Sorcery
Gray-kun = Werewolf Abilities


We seems to have a good counter to them especially Ayame-san learned magic and martial arts with the tengus to counter Azusa-san's abilities and Amaya-san who can couunter Yuma-nii's abilities, thanks to the magical necklace Prince Eliot gave her.

Nadia-san is great too. Not just she's excellent with her katana, the necklace of the previous Werewolf Alpha that she obtained when she bacame the current leader, gave her animal instincts and abilities despite being human to counter Ruki-nii's ice creation magic.

Ai-san on the other hand can counter Aya-nii's electrokinesis, knowing they both have the same abilities while Skye-san fights Laito using the same Compulsion ability. Only my brother uses his voice while he uses his sight.

Reiji-nii seems to be having little to no difficulty when fighting Asagi-san too. The demon-vampire is really good with her shadow manipulation ability to cut Reiji-nii's strings but he's still way better in battle experience.

Mackenzie-san and Yui-chan seems to be in a heated battle. The witch is very good in using sorcery but Yui-chan can cancel it, a type of ability that she learned for the years besides having precognition as her main ability.

As for Kira-san, her hair turns white and her eyes turns snake like golden eyes similar to Carla-san when she's fighting Shu-nii using her Dark Magic ability. However, the eldest Sakami is much stronger now than before. He can counter any of her powerful magic.

As for me, I am stuck fighting Kou-nii with his telepathy and Blood Manipulation magic together with Kana-nii with his pyrokinesis. They said that I can use several abilities because of my gift sharing link ability so fighting two is much more appropriate for my training.

I never thought how strong they all have become and surprising me that Kou-nii had extended his abilities to be able to create blood whips using his own blood like how Yui was able to extended her powers to make a new one. But me?? Still no progress.

"Okay, time's up brats!!" a voice coming from a child looking Ghoul King named Lorcan-kun interrupted our training. We were all tired, sweaty and almost out of stamina. Well, except for Ai-san. She looked almost depleted and she needs to charge immediately.

Aya-nii scoffed, saying what a pain before charging her... battery..?? Using his own powers. "You're really good out there" he gave Ai a thumbs up as a compliment "Nice fight!! I really enjoyed it!!"

Ai just nod and thanked him while the other brothers complimented their battle partners as well, saying we're a really talented group. "Seems like I need to practice more..." I smiled, kind of disappointed for being the weak link among us.

"Nope... you just need to be brave and not to hessitate in cutting down your opponent" Kou-nii said, making me realize that he's actually right. I was actually afraid that I might loose control again like that time with Asagi-san and Skye-san at the forest.

I'm just too scared of killing people again and become someone I never wanted to be...




"Come on, eat up!!" Jasper-san smiled at us, helping Lorcan-kun, Satran-san and surprisingly Prince Eliot who offered to cook and serve us food. Though royalty the prince is, turns out that he also knows how to cook. Afterall, he's a wood elf and he loves hunting so its natural that he must know such thing.

As for mom and Senshi-san, they were healing our wounds from the real-life-like-battle training. Well, except Asagi-san who heals faster than us together with Kira-san in her silverette form. Thank God that we have medics who can use magic rather than normal human first aid treatment or else, it would really hurt.

"You alright, Yumi-chan??" Mackenzie-san asked, saying that I hadn't just been playing my food for a while but I'm emitting Link and didn't noticed that its affecting everyone in the room.

Utensils are floating telekinetically, the candle fire is flaming quite high, the water all turned to ice and the boquet of flowers on the middle of the table sprout out large wiggling creepy roots. How embarrassing it was and much worst, I didn't realized that I deactivated it on the spot.

Good thing Shu-nii telekinetically put the floating utensils down gently on the table. Kana-nii put the candle fire back to its right heat like how Ruki-nii put the frozen water back to its original state and Yuma-nii calm the raging plant back to its beautiful vase.

"I-I'm sorry..." I said and Azu-nii put a reassuring hand on my shoulder, saying that it doesn't matter. I just need to calm down and stop worrying for a while. Maybe he's right. I just need a divergent for a while.

My head hurts and thinking too much made me feel like my mind will explode any minute---- Hold on... I forgot something!! How could I forget my own twin brother?!! How was Suba-nii doing all these time?!!

"I forgot something!!" I exclaimed, standing up and banging my hand on the table. However...








"EVERYONE!! WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!!" Gray hollered alarmed, sensing the intruders who just came to ambush our hideout...

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