† Two †

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A/N: Sorry guys if I made Yui very OOC at the beginning.. It was appocalyse and all.. besides Yumiko and Subaru died right?? So yeah..

Anyways!! On with the story!! Enjoy!!








"Yumi-chan... Wake up"


I felt my body hurts all over. It was the first time I've felt like life is already leaving me but somehow, I felt like fighting against it. The sweet melodic voices calling out my name gives me strength.

Slowly, I opened my eyes but was suddenly blinded by light. I put my arms up, block the illuminating light before a two figures emerged as the surroundings slowly starts to clear.


"Wake up sleepy head..."


My eyes widenned as the three figures whom I know so well, stood before me. A single tear fell down my face as I saw Mom Sephira smiling at me. Her long beautiful purple hair cascading down her shoulders, green emerald eyes and bright red lips is still the same as the last time I've seen her.

I saw dad smiling at me also.. His silky blonde hair and enchanting blue eyes and charming smile made me tackled them to a hug. "Mom!! Dad!!" I cried as they both hugged me back. Suddenly, a gentle tap from behind my back made me aware of the last person.

I turned around and gasp. "Aunt Beatrix..." she smiled sweetly, her blond hair with and striking blue eyes is still the same like the last time I've seen her. She looks a lot like Shu-nii and her gentleness gives me warmth.

I reached my arms and hugged her tightly for all the things that she gave me. I love her so much like mom and dad. "Yumi-chan" Aunt Beatrix said "You need to wake up..."

"W-what??" I said in disbelief "Why?? I don't want to go!!"

"We know you want to stay with us a little more but..." mom paused for a second "Your brothers need you"

"Your mom and your aunt's right, Yumiko" dad said "You need to help them from that man... Especially your older twin brother"

My eyes widenned and the memories suddenly flashed through me. How I saw Suba-nii got impaled, how I knew that our lives were tied to each other and how I came here. "Am I... dead..??"

My voice hoarse as I asked them. Aunt Beatrix shook her head before placing both of her hands on my shoulders. "You're not dead silly" she chuckled "You're just asleep"

"And with asleep" dad continued "it means you're still alive"

"So go out there and kick the enemies' butts!!" mom cheered, winking at me. I laughed and confidence overwhelmed me. I can do this!! I nodded to them and they reached out their hand to me. I grabbed them without hesitation as the blinding light surrounds me...




I slowly openned my eyes and saw an elegantly carved ceiling as strange purple blue chakra surrounds most of my vision. "You're awake" I heard a somehow familiar monotoned voice said and turned my head towards the source.

Ocean blue hair, cold red eyes and the familiar poker face. My eyes widenned and I realized it was Lucifena Demony McStarley with Carla-san on her side. They were kneeling and the palm of their hands flat on the floor. On where their hands sat, glows the same purple blue underneath.

I quickly stood up but suddenly felt my chest ache like hell. I clutched on where my heart was. "Don't move so suddenly" Lucifena, mysteriously suddenly now on my side, said "You're not completely healed yet"

"I-I'm fine... Lucifena-san" I said, gasping for breath "Where's... my brother..??"

She averted his gaze, not answering me question. "Where is he??" I asked worried of the bad feeling I've been feeling. "He's... still healing" Carla-san sighed, also now beside us "Saving your life first is the best option---"

I quickly stood up, not minding the burning pain and my body screaming. I noticed the very large pentagram written on the floor underneath me. The lines glow purple blue and my eyes wondered towards another large pentegram on the other side of the room. It was in the same glow as mine but with Suba-nii lying uncosnciously atop of it.

"Nii-san!!" I pushed myself towards his side. His expression looked pained and his wounds have been half-healed. I pulled him in my arms and hugged him as rivers of tears fall down my face.

"Dry your tears, Sakamaki" Carla-san said, placing his hand on top of my shoulder "both of your lives are connected to each other and if you dies.. He will surely die also..."

His words hit me to reality and that made me realize that my brother is still alive. "Y-you mean..??" I gasped and he nodded for comfirmation. I suddenly felt myself smiling before uttering out "Thank you..."




It has been a week that I have been here in this mansion. It's not as big as the usual mansion of the Sakamaki's, Mukami's or even with the Tsukinami's. It's a mansion like normal house in the middle of the forest, away from the world.

I found out that both Suba-nii and I have gone to sleep for three years. I was surprised at first but when Lucifena flashed me the breaking news, I found out that they aren't lying. I did slept for three years.

But that's not all. It was also the appocalypse. Chaos run around the globe and bounty for vampires were in demand. Sadly to say but its the new source of living with the highest pay. Just one head of a vampire would mean a good fortune. I also heard that Seiji Komori, Yui-chan's father and the one I called papa was a vampire hunter.

Because of that, I began worrying about my brothers even more. Are my brothers alright?? How is Yui handling all of it when she had also became a vampire?? Did they survive?? Or better yet... Do they know we're still alive?? There are so many questions but none can be answered.

Everyday, I always go to Suba-nii's room to check him. His face looks peaceful, making me cry. Because of me, because they saved me. The world became like this. Why was I so reckless?? It was my fault that I was kidnapped and everything came the way it is now.

I look at him again, gently striking him cheek with my slender fingers. "If only I was strong enough..." there too much regret in my heart that somehow, I feel pained as I clutch on my chest. Suddenly, the door openned and came in Lucifena. She had a tray of coffee in her hands.

"Coffee??" she asked surprisingly gentle than her monotoned self allowed her. I nodded and she handed me a cup. It was really good and I feel like my stress go away. "Don't worry..." she started "I will not let your brother die"

I looked at her but the longing that i found in her eyes were too much lonely. I reached out my hand and grabbed hers. But unfortunately, nothing came. My tactile telepathy isn't working. "You can't see my memories or feelings..." she smiled sadly, making me look at her "Because I was never alive to begin with"

After that said, she stood up and walked out of the room. I can't read her at all and it was a first that my powers didn't worked on someone. She had been the first one who save me against Kou-nii and Yuma-nii when they were about to bit me and my friend who would always help me alongside Laito-nii for paperworks at the student council.

She's smart, cool, strong and a good fighter. But one thing's missing. She was a broken doll and whatever it is, no one knows...

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