† Eight †

804 30 14

This chapter is dedicated to:


For having me use her OCs

Chi Asagi Komori


Skye Ainsworth


Who do you think I am to you?
Diabolik Lovers Fanfiction




Kira's POV...


I looked at the girl lying at the back from the rear mirror as I drive. Her name, Yumiko Sakamaki was it?? Even if she denied being related to the Sakamakis, I swear I could never mistake that face. She looked identical to Subaru and if I'm not mistaken, they must be twins in this world.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking??" Ai said, making me side-look at her. I nodded before we continued being drowned in our thoughts. I took a look at the girl from the rear mirror again. She looked so worn out that she passed out after using that insane power from earlier.




Screams and snarls were the only things ringing in my ear the moment the chaos arises. I used my inhuman strength, sending these creatures to the other side of the room and be squished in the process as if they were just bugs. I was getting the hang of the killing until I saw that new girl emerged and almost get hit by a flying corpse.

Kiraze is too far from her and I knew then that she cannot save the stunned girl. I slayed the humanoid monster I am dealing with and made a run towards her. Her attacker got squished, it's blood and organs spluttered everywhere after I landed on it hard with my inhuman strength. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE!! FIGHT!!" I hollered, pulling her out of her trance.

She nodded and looked around the morbid scene of the unexpected ambush before closing her eyes. The moment she opened it, it were now a glowing crimson and all the monsters all burst thus killing them and painting the whole place red.


End of Flashback...


"Do you think she's... that??" Ai said, making me frown. We were the only ones left after the ambush and though it was a bad experience... It's nothing compared to how worst I'd felt when I first came here. I sighed before answering Ai.

"I hope so----"






End of Kira's POV...


For the second time, I woke up feeling terrible. My head seems like they are going to split apart but... "AAAARRGH!!" I screamed in pure pain and agony. I looked down, breathing heavily and caught sight of my bloody broken leg. It was worst than what I imagined. The broken bone poking out and I have bruises and cuts on my body.

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