† Five †

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Ever so slowly, the sound of crackling sound echoing throughout the room slowly died down. Suba-nii didn't move and the silence seems deafening. We stood like that for a minute before we both finally colapsed on the ground. Suba-nii was unconscious and I felt myself sighing deep in relief as I looked over his sleeping form. "Laito-nii... Aya-nii..." I said, looking up "How are you all doing right now..??"


Ayato's POV...


"Ayato... is something wrong??" Yuki asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I don't understand but just then, I felt Yumiko. True I might be imagining things but... is it really that bad to hope and look forward to see her again?? I know its insane to think that someone who's been dead is now suddenly alive.

"...Nothing..." I shook my head, openning an arm for Yui and gesturing her to sit next to me and she did. "You don't look like it's nothing..." she said, reading me like an open book. I laughed humourlessly before I sighed deep, staring up the starless sky. Hoping that things would finally get better.

"I just want to see her again..." I said "Even if it's just one last time"

"I hope so too" she smiled, making me look at her pink orbs. We stayed like that for a while before my hand move to gently sweep her hair, revealing her delicate neck for the world to see...


End of Ayato's POV...


"Are you sure you're okay..??" I asked for the umpteenth time, making Lucifena glare daggers at me. If looks could kill, I would probably dead by now. Luckily, she just sighed letting the hate go. I was about to say something again but quickly held my tongue, knowing it might piss her off.

I watched her drag Suba-nii with his arm around her shoulders and quickly wonder how she was this strong. She looked like on the verge of death and now she's thrice as strong than a cow. Not to mention that her wounds stopped bleeding. Suddenly, a familiar voice boomed in the room. Our heads perked up when Carla-san stood in our view.

"What happened here??" he asked noticing our mess. He quickly helped Lucifena and transported us to a better room before inspecting her for furthermore injuries. She reassured him that everything's fine before Carla-san turned to me. I told him tht I'm okay and that all my wounds are already healed.

If it weren't for my vampire blood, I would have died right now. But for Lucifena?? I'm not sure. True that whenever she glare, her eyes turns a glowing red and fangs protrude from her upper lip. But for some reasons, it seems as if she's not. It's something deep that I just can't make out---

"Are you alright, Yumiko??" Carla-san said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly assured him that everything's alright before he discussed us about the whereabouts of a certain clan and that two of my brothers were held captive in there. "Are you serious?!!" I hollered "I don't believe you!! Kou-nii and Azu-nii isn't that wea---"

"Not unless it's Shin we are dealing with" he said his head hang low and told us everything. Now everything makes sense. No wonder Carla-san is nowhere near his one-eyed brother anymore. The appocalypse, the change, the war between the humans and supernaturals were all because of their dispute.

I always felt something like this will happen but was never sure and somehow, it seems like Carla is hidding something. As if sensing my thoughts, he stood up and walk towards a nearby dresser and rummage for something. I looked at Lucifena but she just turned away from me. I know something was up but right now, there is something I need to do first.

"I want to go and save them!!" I said determined, earning a shock look from her and a deep sigh from the demon lord. Lucifena told me that I am insane but right now, I couldn't careless. But they still sid I shouldn't and I wasn't ready yet. I bowed my head low, knowing how excellent I am in acting. Because right now, what matters to me is my family...






"Shit!!" my breath hitched as the foreign language slip my tounge. It was unusual for me to utter any profanities but I guess for times like this, I can't really blame it. I took a peek from the concrete that I'm hidding and ripped a part of my shirt to tie around the deep wound of my profusely bleeding arm.

The pain was so intense that I felt like vomitting. I guess I was really an idiot for letting my emotions get to me...




"Are you an idiot??" Lucifena calmly said but is clearly pissed of. I looked back and glared before we scream at each other. She raised her fist and puched the wall quite dangerously close to hitting me. The spot she punched earned a dent twice the size of her fist just like Suba-nii.

I stood there frozen and unable to move until she sighed and retrieved her arm back. "If you ever got caught in a dangerous situation, don't expect me to save you" she growl before turning her back and walk away. Sometimes I wonder what is really going in her mind. She's emotionless, heartless and cold but when it comes to family... she's... different...


End of Flashback...


Another gunshot echoed throughout the distance and I ducked just in time, slidding down the manhole and out of hunters' eyes. I breathed heavily, looking at my deep wound. I tsked before pushing myself up and continue down the path. It was very dark but because of my vampire blood, I could see very well as I was in daylight.

It took me hours, finding my way out. However, I was always met with dead end and staring out the path, I felt something eerie coming down the dark---




I almost screamed when a rat came out and run towards the path. I sighed in relief---- I suddenly gasped when the rat was caught by a kind of rotten, disjointed hand. The owner came out and I almost puked at the sight of a mutilated human and ate the rat. It looked disgusting that i can't even describe.

Creatures like him all came crawling out insanely and as if noticing my presence, I quickly ran as fast as my feet take me while being chaised by those cannibal creatures. It took me a while until I finally found the exit. However, when I was almost out the sewer, a hand grabbed my leg and pulled me back down.

My head hit the cold cement floor hard, making my vision swarm. I felt a rough calloused hand with sharp pointed nails dig into my skin until blood came out. I whimper feeling my strength loose my body. Suddenly, I heard shreaking and slashing sounds before I darkness finally consumed me.

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