Chapter 10

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Jamie's P.O.V

I bit my lower lip, preventing myself from laughing. The guy sat beside me as I felt shivers all over my body. I looked at Georgia, she was looking ndown, my sight drifted to the new guy beside me, he was looking intently at Georgia. I sank to my seat. I slipped myselof under my table. I couldn't hold the tension it was too intense. 

After five minutes I heard a faint knock on top. I took a peek. "Anything wrong ms Hale?" She asked me. I shook my head but asked to be transfered at the further back where the tension wouldn't reach me. She nodded and as I headed to fix my stuff. Georgia held my hand, telling me I shouldn't leave for any cause. I smiled at her and went to the back.

Seconds became Minutes as Minutes became hours. Now I was going home. I had my pop fetch me. He gladly agreed. Now it was 5 in the afternoon, dad was 2 hours late. I was sitting on this cold metal bench for two freaking hours. I held my iPhone out, plugged in my earphones, as I bobbed my head to the rhythm of the beat. As soon as I felt someone seat beside me, I jumped when I opened my eyes it was just Zayn. 

I had surrendered in hoping that dad will fetch me so I asked Zayn for a lift even though I didn't like the way he drived. He gladly accepted and offered me his helmet. 

We arrived home sooner than I expected. Zayn assited me from getting off his bike. Gladly I wasn't injured. I knocked on the door, Liam appearing with Sam in his arms. Zayn shifted uncomfortably, I looked at him weirdly but dismissed my thought. Mum and dad was not here tonight so no rules today! 

I entered our lovely home with Zayn trailing behind me. He sat on our couch as I headed upstairs to change. I ripped my clothes off, changing into some jersey shorts and some long sleeves sayin' 'YOLO'. I enetred the dining table everyone was laughing I smiled and took the seat beside Zayn who was as welllaughing with the band. I felt my drooling when I saw the turkey in front of our table.

It was 9 in the evening when Liam and Zayn decided to go home. Camille was upstairs craddling Sam to sleep. No classes tomorrow. Yes. Freedom. I sat on the couch turning on the TV, I checked on the Cds inside the drawer below our flatscreen TV. Sooner or later I picked to watch Lord of The rings. 

Four hours later it was 1 in the morning, I woke up by the sudden vibrating of my phone. I picked it up, telling me that Georgia was calling. 

"Hello?" I greeted with my sleepy voice. Before someone can answer I heard a loud crash from our neighbor's home. I checked the window, the house beside us was peaceful. I tried to sleep again on the comfortable couch. Then I heard bangings on the door, I got on my feet,getting the lamp beside me in case some one omes to kill me. I looked at the peephole. It was Georgia. 

I opened the door. She entered and closed the door. I opened the lights, in front of me was Georgia with a huge backpack. 

"Can- Can I sleep here for a while? Things aren't going so good at home." She asked me I heard her voice tremble. I knew she was scared. I Brought her to the couch I was sleeping in, then noticed some wet stuff on one of the pillows, I must've been drooling a while ago. Ew. Before Geogie can sit down I swiftly got the pillow and threw it on somewhere in the house. 

" I- I have something to tell you." She told me seriousness in her eyes, I listened carefully, knowing what else could I do? "The reason why I ran away from home is because, my parents aren't my real parents." My jaw dropped. I squeezed her hand telling her it was ok. "There's more" She said as tears freely flowed down her cheeks.  I embraced her. "Shh. Its ok now, tell me tomorow ok?"I told her while rubbing her back. She nodded and continue crying.

"Crap this is brand new." I mumbled to myself causing Geargia to giggle. I assisted her to my room, I slid in the bed beside her. Knowing she has fallen asleep I sighed in content and drifted into my own world.


"Jamie, Jam wake up." I heard Louis voice, I rubbed my eyes, I looked at my bodyI was back to my 9 year old form. "Hi Lou." I greeted him.

"Jamie, Catch me if you can!" He told me then stuck his togue at me and started running around. I chased after him. But when I was near I tripped. I lloked down at myself once again, when I looked up I was staring at those round chocolate eyes. "Jamie, I love you" He said as he leaned closer, I also closed my eys. Only to feel that I was falling. I fell on a soft place I turned around to see a pink wolf. Psh. Nikki Manaj. And then a zombies came out of nowhere. I ran and ran. Harry stopped right in front of me telling me eveything was alright. I nodded when I turned around I was already killing zombies. Using peashooters.

I won. Until a woman came near me. "Jamie, I wake up!!!!" She shouted in my ear, I winced. She was a demon.

I woke up, sat straight up. 

"Jam Are you ok?" Georgia asked. I nodded my head. 

"What was that you wanted to tell me yesterday?" I asked her remembering yesterday. She lowered her head.

"Yesterday, um, I'm-I'm a---"  She started cuting off her sentences.

"What?" I asked her a little loud.

"A wolf" 

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