Chapter 2

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Jamie's P.O.V

After the quick ride, I got off Zayn's bike. Walking up my porch. This guy is really sweet. I turned around mouthing thank you and waved good night.But before I entered my front door, I did not realize he was behind me.

"Umm" He scratched the back of his head. "Jamie. Can you give me your number?" He asked not looking straight to my eyes. "Umm. Wait I left my phone upstairs I'll  just get it gimme a sec." He nodded but I let him inside my home first. He sat down on the couch. I entered my room, searching the box that mum gave me 5 months ago. This was her gift when I passed the exams. I gently took it off from its case. I haven't used this phone since like forever! 

I put my backpack on my water bed. And rushed down the stairs where I saw my little 1-year old neice was playing with Zayn's hands.

"Ok Sammy. That's enough sweetie." Camille grabbed her and carried her to their room. 

"Sorry to keep you waiting." I apologized. 

"Nah. Its ok" He replied back and smiled. 

"Right. Here Zayn just punch your number here. I can't really memorize my phone's number." I lied. I haven't used this phone like forever. "Here you go Jame" He gave me back my iPhone and walked away. I walked him to the front porch and he waved good bye.


I was reading a book. When Camille opened the door and I saw her smiling like ,I don't know, I don't usually see her like this.

"Who was that?" She asked. Interested in whatever I was about to answer.

"Zayn. New kid in school" I replied not looking at her. 

"He's hot." She mumbled. I looked at her weirdly. "Seriously sis?" I laughed, she giggled. 

Okay tonight was the perfect timing."Sis." I asked her putting down thebook I was reading. "What happened in your senior year? Where's Sam's Dad?" I asked her, her forehead creased. "Well,  I had this boyfriend who was a jerk after ditching me knowing I was pregnant. Yeah. Seems like that. Nothing more" she said as she stood up and headed to the door. But she could really get out I stopped her. "What's his name Camille?" I asked her. She just smiled as tears tempted to fall from her eyes. "You don't wanna know babe. You don't wanna know."

Ok? That was strange. Oh well. I picked up the  book I was reading not so long ago. Scanned through the pages and remembered that I had Zayn's number. Believe this or not. Dad gives me tons of gadgets I don't usually use. Three months ago, he gave me a new mac. Then the next week he offered to place a flatscreen in my room. Which I didn't accept. They also gave me the latest unit of the iPhone. My parents were complete spoilers. But those stuff were still in there boxes. I only opened my iPhone for Zayn purposes.My Mac just sat there on my desk, which I sometimes use. But I don't bring it anywhere. 

I typed down.


Sup Zayn. :)

Zayn's P.O.V

I felt my phone vibrate  in my pocket. I took it out told my lads to stop for a while. I checked the message, the number was unknown. It said.

'Sup Zayn. :)'

Who is this? I need to know who this is.




You're AmaZayn.

"Hey zayn you going to rehearse or what? Who is that?" My band mate asked. I slipped my phone in my pocket, for him not to see, whoever was texin' me. "I'm going. Some fangirl. How do they get my number?" I complained. 

"Ok dude. Anyways he's gonna kill you if you don't get your arse out there." He reminded.

Jaime's P.O.V

He didn't reply after I gave him a compliment. Oh well.

I got out of my room headed to  the kitchen. God I'm starving. 

"Camille! Camille!" I shouted. "I'm here hun." She replied I headed to the kitchen were Camille was sitting on the counter. "Can you make me something sis? I'm starving and only your skills can reach my standards when  it comes to food." I asked her. She smiled. Ofcourse its a yes. Who couldn't resist me? "Only if" Okay there's a conditiion. "Check Sam for me" I nodded and headed to her daughter's room.

I knocked lightly. "May I come in?" I asked and entered the unicorn printed room. She was there sitting in her crib. Ok I know I still didn't tell you what heppened to my sister... Well. It was senior year and it was Prom.Camille was not able to come home that night. Mom and dad were really worried about her.  Then the next morning she arrived saying her head hurts like hell. I was the one who assisted her I was in 10th grade that time. Mum and dad, weren't home they were out there searching for my sister. I finally called them and I heard them sigh in relief. A week or two after she had symptoms of headache. She eats like a fat pig and all. Then she vomits. 

She was frightened that dad would  get furious if they know that she was having these symptoms. So she asked me to come with her to go to the doctor. Which I agreed on, worried. Then she tried the pregnancy test and was found positive. She cried all night in her room. I was just there, I was always there to comfort her. Then it was mum and dad's anniversary dinner, it was just us. Camille's belly was growing she can't keep it anymore so she gathered all her courage to tell our parents about that. She was afraid to get slapped by dad, instead mom just hugged her and dad rubbed her back. She wa Sobbing and I witnessed all of that. Months later it wasthe day of her labour. And a beautiful baby girl was given to us. She had my sister's nose and lips but her eyes came from her father which my sister never told us who. She told us that he was just a bad memory and she wants to grow the baby in good hands which will be in our care. I never heard of her sam's father eversince. He never showed up in Sam's labour or baptism. He was irresponsible.

"Hi Aunty" She greeted me with her adorable high pitched voice. "wanna play with dolly and me aunty? I'm really lonely you know. I wanted to know who's my daddy, aunty." I saw her tear drop. She was a fatherless child. And even I, I stood as her father the whole  time eventhough i'm a girl. This little girl here is in need of a father we don't even know where.

"Aww" I hugged her lightly making sure I don't crush her. "baby, daddy will come soon. He just went for a vacation. Daddy loves your mummy more than anything in the world you know  that? There is no doubt that he also loves you." I made her understand. This girl here is growing and she is really going to find out that his jerk of a father ditched her mum..

"Ok enough with the drama" I saw Camille leaning against the door. "Your food is ready Jamie. Eat it before it gets cold." I stood up and hugged her tight. "I love you Camille." I whispered near her ear. Before she could ever reply back I ran downstairs and saw a plate of turkey. My sister is truly amazing.


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