Chapter 9

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I put my finger below my nose, putting it as if it was my mustache. 

"Jamie Hale?" A middle aged cop with a protruding abdomen asked. I cleared my throat and deepened my voice. "*Cough* She's not here. Umm---She was swallowed by the floor a minute ago. You can check if she's somewhere in the canals. But I assure you she's not here." I told her. Lokking anywhere but her. She shook her head, and grabbed my forearm. "I order you to release me, I am the daughter of Obama except that I'm white! I came from his other...womaann" I looked at her, as I scanned around people were staring at me. I chuckled nervously, and waved my hand. 

I rushed to my dad and pulled his jacket, I dragged him into the parking lot I sensed that he had a hard time to run because I was forcefully dragging him out of there. I was scanning through the parking lot and reached the car, panting heavily. I turned my gazed to my dad who was clutching his stomach.

I straightened myself up, and crossed my arms, raising my eyebrow and taped my shoes on the ground. "Something wrong daddy?" I asked him. He told me it was just 20 meters of walk that I already lost my breath. I smiled wryly and felt like wanting that the floor should swallow me right now...

I got out of dad's car and quickly saw my truck in the driveway, I ran to it, hugging it trailing kisses. But I gawked at his taste, quickly brushing off the awful taste in my mouth... But then I hugged my truck again. "Heavenly wolf gods thank you for bringing my precious baby back to were it belongs." I clapped my hands and kneeled infront of my car looking up. 

I heard faint chuckles from behind, I turned to see Liam, Cam and mom shaking their heads. I stood up fixing a bit of my hair and smiled at them sheepishly. I walked between them shyl but until I reached the middle, I ran to my room shouting, almost waking the neighborhood.

I started off with taking my ponytail off. fixing my now messy hair because of my stupid commotions today. I took off my vest and the rest of my uniform enveloping myself to the warmth of the warm water in my tub.

Soon I decided wearing my coca-cola pyjamas and some singlet, I tripped myself going down the stairs, I stumbled down I stood up once again rubbing my back. "Ouch?" I asked myself, feeling the stingy feeling of my back.

I reached the dining room where I reached some mouth watering meals laid on my table, No our table. Screw it. But I wish I can have this all to myself.

I sat on the nearest chair, grabbed the table napkin and put it in my singlet, ready to finish them all.

I scooped all sorts of things in every meal placing them on my plate. Now I was ready to dig in. Placing spoonfulls of food in my mouth, I heard someone stepping in the kitche  I looked up to see Harry with Liam and Niall with amused faces, I choked myself in swallowing all the food in my mouth. I, again, straightened myself and ran to my room, screaming once again....

I slumped into my water bed. Shouting at my pillow. Until I calmed myself out I sighed, that was not a good view to see. Soon I fell into deep sleep.

I was awakened by someone. I turned to look at my dog licking my face I giggled and placed him on the floor. I enjoyed my time getting ready, I woke up 5:30 thanks to Jude. So right now I am slipping my colorful leggings. It has rainbow print on it. Then I wore my boots. Knee length boots. Our skirts were like until my mid thigh so I wear these. Well, the book did not state that we are nor allowed to wear these!

I took my Jansport bag, which in fact, is neon, I ate some pancakes from the table. Camille was up early. And headed to the front door. But as I was about to completely get out, I felt someone poke me from behind. I felt goosebumps all over my body. Don't tell me its chuckie, with a knife. I slowly turned around opening my eyes slowly. I sighed in relief when I saw Sam. I knelt down to even my height to hers.

"Any problem baby?" I asked her, cupping both her cheeks. She shook her head. "Where's mommy and daddy?" I asked her again. She looked at me with curious eyes. "Th-they're upstairs. Mummy locked the door. And- and I heard someone mo----" I covered her mouth and told her not to say the word. She nodded. I turned on the TV, letting her watch spongebob. As I rushed to the stairs to get Camille and to scold her also. 

I knocked lightly on the door. I heard shuffling. "Get out" I heard Camille say with her sleepy voice. Now she got on nerves. I Banged in the door. " Camille Hale! I Open this door now, or else I'll forcefuly open it with my inhuman superpowers!" I waited impatiently. Then the door opened. Revealing Liam in only his boxers. Someone got naughty last night ey?" Liam scratched the back of his head, rubbing his eyes, and then it shot open when he saw me smirking. He ran to Camille who was covered with blankets, not really wearing anything. I scowled in disgust. As soon as Liam closed the door hitting my nose, I scribbled down something in a post it note and left it to their door. 

I saw the little girl still focused on spongebob,  kissed her forehead and headed out for school. 

As soon as I got out of my house, I saw Zayn leaning against his bike. Until he sensed that I was here, he looked up and chuckled.

"Want a ride?" He asked.

I shook my head no. Hell, this man drives like a maniac. "Awe, c'mon it'll be fun." He smirked finally I gave in. I slowly slipped my helmet and hugged his waist, by means of tightly, really tight.    Then I started shouting. 

Zayn covered his ears. Then my mouth, he chuckled once again. "I have not yet turned the engine on. " Again I smiled sheepihly and ordered him to go on.

In no time, I did not notice we have arrived school. People are  staring right at us, I mean me, staring holes right through me. Hey, neon bag and colorful leggings wouldn't attract much of attention would it?

Relief washed through me when I saw Georgia leaning against my locker. I embraced her tightly and we did our secret handshake. 

"So how was weekened?" I asked her casually.

"Fine." She told me, feeling meh. Then she looked at me in excitement. "I watched it in 3d! It felt like they were coming to me. Ohhh myyy gushhh!" She exclaimed, recieving glares and disgusted looks. I shook my head. "Let me guess." I touched my imaginary bead. "Your younger sister has afriend nd she stole your tickets and then you just got to watch in 3d infront of the television." I told her. She nodded. 

The bell rang. Telling us, its happy geometry!

I sat on the back part, beside me was Georgia and an empty seat. Soon the professor entered with a new guy trailing behind him. He has, blonde hair, perfect muscular body and blue stunning eyes. As soon as he locked up gazes with me, he froze.  No it wasn't me he was looking at it was Georgia.

"Mate" Was the only thing I heard from Georgia's mouth.

 A/N I told you werewolves were coming! Hahahha. Ok I had a fun time writing this. Vote and comment if yoiu please. ;)

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