Chapter 1

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I barged in the double doors. I was running late for geometry class. My backpack was so heavy making it hard for me to run faster.

I entered our classroom making a huge entrance. Really huge entrance. All eyes were laid on me. They stared at me. I shook my head off and lowered my head asking apology to Ms. and headed to the chair beside my bestfriend Georgia. 

"What happened?" She looked at me from head to toe. "I was late." I told her with duh look."No, I mean. Why were you late?" She asked once again. I turned to face her "Mum overslept. Woke up at seven.Traffic was a huge mess. She like overdressed. Maybe she's meeting dad later. They're dating maybe. Old People. Dating. Gross" I told her a little loud. Frustrated for being late. I blame this to mum. "Arghh" I exclaimed, the geek infront of me shushed me. That;s nice. I rolled my eyes. Could this day get any worse?


The bell rang.

"Yess!" I exclaimed! I'm finally free from geometry. I never understood shapes. Even when I was young. Louis taught me about those.

I gathered all my stuff. Stuffing it in my back pack. I was about to exit when ms. Addressed my name. 

"What did I do now?" I mumbled and turned my head showing a sly smile not to be rude.

"Your grades are failing." She reminded me." And you know what failing means" She told me once again. This woman is giving me an head ache. "Transfer" I groaned. 

I stomped my way out. Going straight to the school's cafeteria once I spotted Georgia waving. I waved back and sat beside her. Taking a huge bite on my sandwhich.

"Rough day?" She asked."She reminded you were failing didn't she?" I rolled my eyes. "You know me too well" She chuckled. 

"Hey bitch. You know I don't like you but.m You're being called to the office." Then she walked away. Plastic as ever. Wish you trip.

And fortunately she did. God loves me! And spaghetti sauce spilled over her shirt. She screamed almost killing my ears, I stood up. Winked at Georgia. And headed to my Favorite place/ The principal's office. Argh.

"Ms. Hale you came." The principal greeted me as soon as I entered I bowed my head slightly and smiled I sat down on the chair infront of his,

"Ms. Hale, we have a new student." He informed me. I nodded. "Zayn, you can come out now." A muscular guy wearing a black leather jacket came into view. My jaw almost dropped when I saw how gorgeous his eyes were. They were round, with the color of chocolate brown with his long lashes. He was just so perfect.

"Ms. Hale. I'd like you to tour him around school. Since your a scholar here you might as well know everything about this campus and its history." 

I nodded and stood up saying my good byes and pulled the guys sleeve before I exit. Smiled once again and went out. He shoved his headphones in his ears. Probably not planning to listen to me at all.

I couldn't  resistitanymore. I stopped. Him bumping me. Making me lose my balance and fall to the ground. He extended his arm I grabbed it. "Sorry my bad. Anyways, i'm Zayn." He introduced himself.

"I am" I  can't concentrate on what to say.I was too concious that he is still holding my hand. " Jamie" i finally got it out and smiled. I sighed in relief.


I stopped a bit.I faced Zayn. He was just looking forward but stopped when he noticed I stopped. 

"Can we have a break. I need to----" Crap. My stomach grumbled.  He chuckled." Hungry much?" I lowered my head keeping my facewhich is now burning... 

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