27. Nearly

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He seemed hurt by my rejection and dismay.

"What have I done wrong?"

"N-no, I just-" I began to reason, and then realized what I was saying.

What was I doing? I didn't care about him!

"What?" He was questioningly peering at me through the mirror, searching for an answer in my actions.

It was like the first time we'd met, yet different; the same eyes which were so sarcastic now gazed at me with unfathomable lust.

And that was why I needed to put my foot down. Now.

Stretching my facial expression into a haughty mask, I revoked my earlier sentence and started again.

"You," I pointed at him. "You are what is wrong."

I went and sat on his bed once more, twisting out of his grasp. The wolf imprint he'd left was a meagre scar now.

Giving me the puppy eyes, he came over and eased his way around the bed so he was near to me once more.

"Come on now, kitten," he drawled lazily yet with an indescribable charm, "tell me what's wrong with me?"

The muscles in his arms bunched slightly as he attempted to discreetly flex his powerful biceps.

I sighed.

"Do you really want my opinion?"

"Of course."

He sat there expectantly, and I decided to see if I could break his confidence like he had done with mine on my first day of school. After all, why not test him? If I was supposedly his 'mate,' (whatever the Hell that actually meant,) surely this would be a character-building exercise for him. I could even mould him into a new man!

"Hmm," I sassily debated, "let's see... Number one: You're arrogant."

He winced slightly, but kept his cool.

"Number two: You just bit me without my consent, so I'm counting that as sexual harrassment-"

"What?!" He exclaimed. "How is that sexual harrassment?!"

"I don't know; maybe you're into some kinky shit! Anyway, don't interrupt me while I'm talking. Number three: You did actually sexually harrass me that one time when you taught my class."

"Yes, but we both got something enjoyable out of it, didn't we?" He smiled seductively, then brushed his fingertips lightly over my leg.

I smacked his hand away.

"But if I didn't like it, would you have stopped?"

This was important to me: I wanted to know if he was psychopathic rapist material, and if I needed to forcefully convert him into a follower of the Bible.

He actually managed to appear offended.

"Of course I would; what do you take me for? A pervert?"

I laughed.

"No comment," I responded.

The verbal tennis went on for a while, until I decided to explain to him my plan: I had to leave the academy.

"No, kitten," Sebastian told me seriously, "I won't let you."

He took my hand, and traced the lines in my palm while he dissented to me leaving.

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