18. Ability Uncovered?

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Oh Hell...

I grabbed my head and groaned, rolling over in the fluffy bed. My headache was intense. Water would be great right now...

"Here." I opened my eyes, as Luke offered me a glass of cool, refreshing water, and a tablet.

I looked at it suspiciously. I looked at Luke suspiciously. Then I unfortunately realized. It was him; he was with me yesterday! Well; this was awkward as Hell! He was a complete douche!

"It's a painkiller. For your head?" He rolled his eyes at me. "Look, you're already in my bed, so if I wanted to do anything inappropriate to you I would've done it."

He was disgusting!

"What?!" I squealed, jumping out of it abruptly and with slight outrage.

I couldn't believe I had danced with a guy like this! It was my fault for mistaking his name, but still!

For the first time since last night, I noticed my surroundings. Luke was right: we were in his room, or if not, definitely a boy's room. The walls were covered with posters on "The Killers," and other similar bands. That, and the fact his room was larger than mine was all that differentiated them. And, of course, he had his grey curtains and bedsheets.

"Welcome to my humble abode," he sarcastically spoke, then bowed to me.

Luke was wearing a plain white t-shirt and some plaid pj trousers. On the other hand, I was wearing...I looked down.

Just my underwear.

I screamed, and hurled a pillow at Luke's head.

"What have you been doing to me, you pervert?"

"Have you still not remembered the wild night we spent together?" He looked hurt.

"I don't have sex with near-strangers."

I was panicking. What if I'd done something awful? I didn't want children! I was too young for this-

"Don't worry," he told me somewhat coldly, "we didn't do anything you didn't want. Trust me. You were begging for it, but I wouldn't do it."

If he was calling me a slut, he was mistaken.

"Oh, how noble of you," I spat, "next thing I know, you'll tell me you rescued lion cubs from poachers the other night."

He narrowed his eyes at me, eyeing me up like an owl assessing a threat, then strode over and grasped my shoulders.

"Well," he responded, "let me make you remember our encounter last night, and maybe you'll stop being such a prudish bitch."

With that, he attempted to push me backwards onto his bed and do God-knows what. A deep rage filled me, and I easily flipped him so he landed on the bed as I towered above him.

"Don't EVER treat a lady like that, you trash," I told him, then opened his door and ran out of the room.

Luke came up to the doorframe, hoping to grab me again, but I slammed the door in his face and he was left to rattle the doorknob, whilst my heart pounded and I prayed that he wouldn't overpower me. He didn't, and after a while gave up on pursuing me. Good. The freak!

So, in my underwear, I stood in the hall awkwardly, still holding the doorknob tightly between my clammy palms in case Luke tried something. The walls were a familiar hue of green. The floor beneath me creaked as I stepped on it. This looked scarily like my dorm floor. Slowly and as quietly as possible, I began towards the door at the end of the hall. Luke's room was by the stairs. Whilst journeying there, I stepped on creaky floorboards, telling myself that it couldn't possibly be my dorm, as the floor didn't creak here and there.

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