6. Possession

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Had he just answered my thoughts? What the hell was Sebastian playing at anyway, jumping on top of me!

"You're so heavy..." I choked out.

"Yes, well, that's the point of being a man. You tend to weigh more than the average little kitten such as yourself."

His body continued pressing into mine, creating a pleasant warmth. The grass was soft by the path, and tickled my nose. What had I been doing?

"Urghh," I groaned quietly, "what just happened to me?" The voice in my head was gone.

"I think that you had been possessed."

"You think?! Also, I'm agnostic. I don't belie-"

"No, I know, little kitty. There should be a mark on your body to confirm it somewhere..."

Sebastian cut me off as he began running his hands down my body, searching with his eyes and lifting up the remainders of my school uniform. I had only one mark which I knew of; that was the "K" on my back. If he wanted to find anything else, he'd be extremely disappointed. I couldn't scream; any more of those students would probably drive me crazy. The desire to escape the school now seemed like a rash decision, although I didn't appreciate what that girl had done to me. Karen. However, I knew that if I left, there would be nowhere to go. So why had I even considered leaving? Was it because of the voice? Impossible! Surely it didn't intend to harm me; or is that what I'd been made to believe?

"Hey, Sebasti-aaaah!" I squealed as he flipped my body so that I was facing up at him instead of towards the ground.

"Do you mind?!" I demanded.

"Not at all," he responded coolly, considering his hands were extremely close to my intimate area.

"There's no mark, honestly. Please don't touch me there; that's classed as assault. Thank you," I forced his hands away from my body, "very much."

He sat on top of me, staring into my eyes. Sebastian appeared amused by my resistance; the moon shone through the trees, casting shadows on his face. He also noticed that I found him attractive despite his weird tendencies, and I turned my head away from his gaze, looking towards the path. My cheeks were flushed in heat, but this was disguised by the darkness. Or so I hoped. Slowly, he returned his hands to me. I began to tell him to stop once more, but his sudden sincerity halted the attempt.

"I wouldn't do this to you unless it was important. Please," he begged, his eyes pleading like a desperate puppy.

"Fine," I muttered, slightly stunned at his change in character.

Sebastian searched me silently, and intensely. He'd checked my legs, arms and neck. Next, his rough hands pushed my top up as he looked around the top of my breasts, suddenly swearing and stopping abruptly.

"What's wrong?" I enquired shyly. He was the first to ever see this much of me, after all.

"Look for yourself, kitten," he responded. Sebastian grimaced as I took a look.

All other thoughts fell from my mind as I cast my eyes on it:

"Well, shit."


My beautiful skin was now marred in two places, it seemed. Unlike the embellished, regal "K" implanted on my left shoulderblade, the mark on top of my right breast was - in my opinion - horrendous. It was a slate grey colour, with a rough shape of a skull. I tentatively scratched it, but it was like stubborn paint. It wouldn't come off. Frustrated, I carried on scraping my skin; the site of the mark had now gone red and sore from my aggressing. As I got more desperate, the mark began to stand out from the rest of my skin more; and Sebastian grabbed my hand in his, holding it away from harming myself any more. I hadn't realized I was taking out frustration from the day on my body until then, but like this new part of me, my problems wouldn't go away suddenly. I had to face them head on.

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