20. Master

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Wind ferociously whipped around my body once more, and the beast fell short of me by a hairs breadth.

"Shit!" I yelled as I fell onto my butt.

It prowled outside of my elemental barrier, glaring through me with yellow, demonic eyes. I shifted uncomfortably, fearing this creature instantly.

"What cruel, dark eyes you have..." I commented, staring into their depths.

"The better to see you with," it responded.

"What twisted, rakish claws you have."

I swallowed nervously, as I eyed them up.

"The better to tear you apart with." It growled, and roared as it once more leapt at me.

I could only watch in horror.

The wind barrier barely repelled it this time, and a claw clumsily swiped into my right cheek. As the large dog was yanked away from me by the air, its claw tore a line down the side of my face, and I cried out in pain as slowly and surely, my skin parted and left a crevasse which leaked thick, coppery blood down my face. I held a hand to my wound in an attempt to staunch the bleeding, yet that too swiftly became slippery with my wet, flowing lifeforce.

However, it wasn't just me who had been injured. The beast tore away from me, hobbling. It had gotten too close to me, and the wind had cut like blades into its left paw. It howled, and its yellow eyes blinked in dismay. There would be no feeding for it on this night.

The full moon reprimanded the wolf, casting away its shadows so it could not hide. In response, the creature limped out of sight and the rustle of the trees behind it grew quieter and quieter, until once more only natural woodland sounds permeated the air.

I gasped, panicking, for the blood would not stop, and there was so much of it.

"Help," my voice croaked, my throat dry and my lips saturated with redness.


Nobody arrived to save me.

But then again, what did I expect?

As I collapsed down onto the soft grass beneath me, exhausted and disoriented, a soft whistle hummed through the woodland, and my body was gently lifted once more by the elements. Where we were going, I wasn't sure. I watched the scenery drowsily, as it blurred past me, and eventually, I was lowered onto the grass beside the gravel path to the academy. It seemed I was back in my rightful timespace now, as the day was bright and welcoming.

My eyes drifted shut as I rested, just for a moment, on the ground. It was so tempting to sleep. The comforting, warm arms of darkness enveloped me, and I settled into them voluntarily, relaxing my body.

"The price has been paid." I heard The Tree whisper, as I faded away...


"Wakey wakey!" A harsh yet vague German accent ordered, and I awoke abruptly as water was poured over my head. It was darker outside, possibly nighttime.

"Wh-wha?!" I spluttered, reaching up to rub water out of my eyes, and coughing.

A strong, masculine hand grabbed my right one as it reached up to touch my face.

"No. Not yet."

I struggled, but it was no use. Whoever this voice and hand belonged to was strong and assertive. In comparison, I was weak, had no clue who this man was and now was at risk of catching hypothermia. Slowly, I eased my left eye open after rubbing it, blinking through water droplets.

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