24. Deeper

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Zoll brushed a few strands of my hair to the side, and I waited in anticipation for him. When he didn't immediately bite me, I grew slightly impatient.

"Come on," I urged huskily, "I want you to take my blood."

He blew out onto my neck, and goosebumps travelled rapidly over my skin.

"I want to take more than just your blood," he whispered, pressing his hardness into the back of me.

My heartrate increased tenfold, and my breathing became shallow. I brought a hand up to bring his face down to my neck, and he grabbed my hand, then drew a line with his tongue up the side of my neck.

I was panting with desire, and he knew how badly I wanted him. At the same time, I knew I had a similar effect on him, and that he could barely control himself.

But I knew he was ready to take me.

"Alice." He breathed, then brought his head down, sliding his fangs into me.

"Ah!" I gasped in shock, as the pinch of his bite evolved into sensations and waves of intense pleasure, all crashing and cascading into me.

I felt my knees becoming weak, yet Zoll held me up in his strong arms while I gasped and moaned his name. At the angle my head was, I could see out figures in the reflection of the gym's glass pane. My horns and tail, as well as my wings, made me seem otherworldly, and Zoll, who bit into me with an expression of lust, appeared dazed, and his LED eyes were glowing.

I closed mine, relishing the feel of him inside my body, and drew on his emotions, allowing them to envelop me. They made me stronger, and I could feel immense power flowing through me.

But it wasn't enough.

"Deeper," I groaned, pushing his fangs further into my skin.

Pleasure and pain coiled up into one tight ball, rippling over me like a tide.

And I was lost in the waves.

Zoll's Memory - 1890s
I saw a little boy; perhaps he was eleven or twelve, in a cobblestone street. I looked around, and saw high-reaching buildings and a little stretch of pavement. Horse-drawn carriages rattled over the stones, passing him.

He himself was a scrawny, small boy with brown eyes and dark hair. Occassionally, he would hold out a brown cap and beg for a tuppence, yet everyone ignored him.

I saw the scenery change from spring to summer to autumn, and finally to winter. He was still sat in the same position; still begging for money that he would never receive.

The winter was harsh, and lack of comfort, fresh clothing and food saw the boy curl up, with knees to his chest. It was nighttime, and gas lamps barely covered his small frame. He decided to crawl down a side alley, ready to die.

A shady man strolled past, wearing a finely-tailored suit, then stopped and glanced piteously at the little boy curled into a foetal position. In the shadow of his top hat, one red eye gleamed.

"I can offer it to you," he suddenly  spoke, a dark rumble echoing through the alley. "I can grow you into a better man, with respectability, class and dignity."

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