21. Task One

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We were in the middle of a Chemistry lesson when I was summoned by a teacher to go to the Head's office.

It was Jenny. She and Alec shared a glance, and a silent conversation passed between them. The feeling between them was so deep, their emotions permeated and clouded the air, filling it with intimacy.

I cleared my throat after walking up to her, and their eyes reluctantly broke contact.

"Alec," she acknowledged.

"Jenny," he returned.

Then, we left the classroom. Clara was staring after me questioningly, but I couldn't give her a reason for my absence. I didn't want to lie to her, but what was I supposed to say? That the Head was manipulating me using her as bait? No. I could never get her involved in this.

Jenny cleared her throat while we casually walked to the office; she was a few steps ahead of me.

"Do you know why you're being requested by the Headteacher, Alice?" She enquired.

I averted from the question, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"I'm not too sure- but why don't you ever initiate something with Alec?"

Jenny blushed furiously, and tilted her head to the side to attempt to cover it.

"W-whatever are you talking about?"

"Come on now," I challenged, "you can see it from a mile away!"

Jenny began walking faster, and faster. We had nearly reached the Head's office.

"Slow down please." I puffed. "I'm unfit..."

The time for our parting had arrived. Jenny whirled on me suddenly, appearing exasperated.

"I tried, Alice. I did. But he told me he wasn't ready-"

"But I've seen the way he looks at you!"

She smiled sadly, seeming discouraged.

"Well, I'm not sure I'm suitable for him, either."

Her mobile rang at that moment, and she held up a finger and answered it briefly. Wow, she had low self-esteem. Bloody Hell.

"I can't keep you any longer," Jenny mutttered after she had finished her phonecall, and gently coaxed me into the Head's room and said goodbye.

I stared out into the hall after her, even when the door clicked shut before my eyes. Before turning and walking up to the reception desk, I gathered my strength. This encounter would probably be the toughest one yet, and I was still wounded from reading mum's letter. The concept of never seeing her again made me feel guilty. She was dead; and our unsolved issues hung in the air between us. I wondered if she was buried somewhere. I would have to take the time to go to her funeral at least.

"Alice?" Tia called from the reception desk.

To her, I'd just been staring at a wooden door like an asylum patient.

"-oh, yeah. Sorry." I strolled over to her desk like nothing was wrong, and sat down in front of it.

"Tch," Tia grumbled, "It's half past one. Your appointment is half an hour late. You are half an hour late."

"To be honest, I literally could not care less how late I am."

"Well, don't blame me if the Head is temperamental with you."

"He already is. Your point?"

She leaned forward suddenly, over the desk, and her voice dropped to a low whisper.

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