23. Two Sinners

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I was unstoppable...or not.

After unsteadily landing - and stumbling - (oops) onto the grounds by the teacher gym, I checked the sign by the retro entrance.

'Open,' it read, so I pushed my way through the doors of the building...and stopped in my tracks.

The gym was massive. It was a wide, half-empty space. One side was filled with exercise equipment, separated from the side I was on by a glass pane. The walls on that side were a rich burghundy, with white flowers adorning the wallpaper. The floors were also different, as they were dark kitchen tile, probably because it would be easier to wipe sweat off it. I went and stood in the middle of the half of the gym which didn't contain all this equipment. In fact, it was quite derelict, with only thick, dark blue cushioning layering the walls and floor. I walked, and came to stand in the middle of this room, patiently listening and observing for signs of movement.

But Zoll was nowhere to be seen.

Had I gone to the wrong place or something?

"Zoll?" I questioned the still, uneasy air around me; somehow I felt his presence, but couldn't see him.

I crossed my arms across my chest, and stood there for a good twenty minutes. I waited, and waited. He still hadn't turned up by the end of it. I was beginning to become frustrated, angry and - worst of all - bored as Hell.

Irritated, I kicked at a slightly-upturned mattress-like bit of padding by my feet, then started towards the door.

I didn't even see the body, until it was on top of me.

"Ah!" I cried out, in surprise, and because all the breath had left my body abruptly as I was slammed to the floor.

"That's-" Zoll whispered in my ear, "That's for making me wait for you, just like you have done, for a week."

"It wasn't on purpose!" I grumbled hoarsely, still lying like a squashed bug underneath Zoll's rough body.

"Hm, I don't trust sincerity from you."

Slowly, he eased his body off of mine. I realized a little too late I'd been blushing.  He was incredibly attractive and had pressed himself fully into me, after all, and his red eyes bore into mine intuitively as I stood and brushed my clothing off.

"There's something...different about you," he continued, glaring up at me. "What have you done?"

He got to his feet, facing me. My heart hammered in my chest, and my blush increased. I hoped he wasn't talking about the redness in my cheeks.

"W-what do you me-" Instantly, my sentence was cut off, as Zoll slammed me, lightning-fast, into one of the gym walls, once again manhandling me.

Once more, shock transmitted through my brain.

What was he?

After a second, I regained my composure. Despite his treatment surprising me, it also made me insanely furious. He hadn't even let me finish my sentence!

I threw him off easily, then rushed at him. Zoll collided with me, and we rolled around at an intensely fast pace on the floor, wrestling for God knows how long.

"Next time," I ground out between my teeth as we struggled, "let me know if you're going to be an asshole, and I won't bother turning up again!"

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