"Let's go back to mine" Max says cheerfully "Nobody lives there but me...after all."

I sigh and nod in agreement, I'll text Shelby that I'm staying at Adams so she doesn't have to worry.

Jin's POV


"That fucking bastard!" I slam my phone down on the ground and watch the screen turn black. Oh he better be joking; he better not be playing with my toy. If he's not.... well then.... he doesn't know who he's messing with.

I stumble out the front door, I'm leaving, there's no point to this stupid party anymore anyway. I see Jess walk towards the front door and I can't help but think of how easily my last plan worked on her, maybe I could do it again.

"Jess!" I yell at her and run across to meet her in the front yard, acting worried and scared, she already seems to be affected.

"What is it Jin." she asks cautiously but I can feel her hidden worry.

"Max is taking advantage of Ross!" I wave my arms about trying to gather up enough evidence in my head to convince her. I can see Adam coming towards us, already glaring me down and looking fierce. Damn I don't have long.

"I called Ross to check if he was okay with taking Max home but Max answered" Adam was closing in, dammit!

"What! Jin Max wouldn't do that, drunk or sober." Jess says placing her hands on her hips and facing towards Adam who's already reaching out to push me away.

"WO! Calm down Adam, I was only trying to tell Jess that Ross is in trouble." I supress my smile and replace it with defensive hands, I don't want to get on his bad side if I want to win this game.

"Listen whatever you're saying Jin is false and I'm going to prove it by calling Ross now" Adam gets out his phone and dials Ross' number smiling at Jess reassuringly before facing away from us so he can hear. Damn damn! I better get away before they find out I was lying.

Ross' POV

Max fumbles with the keys to his door before falling into his apartment. I grab his arm and support him as he gains his balance. Closing the door behind me I turn around to face a cold dim hallway leading onto an open lounge, it's full of simple clean furniture; a small TV, white couch, white arm chair and glass coffee table. I follow Max across the lounge and pass the silver kitchen, around another hallway into a bedroom.

Max's bedroom is the complete opposite of the rest of the apartment. DVD's and video games are scattered everywhere in front of a big screen, action figures line a neat shelf full of manga and other books, posters of various bands line the pale walls, papers are stacked and organised on a wooden desk and his bed is a mess of blue sheets and brown pillows.

"Neat" I breath as I observe my cosy surroundings, Max must spend most of his time here...alone.

I feel my phone buzz so I turn around to answer it but I feel a hand grab my wrist and pin it against the wall, wha? Oh.

I look up to a mischievous grin and Max's dancing eyes. I try to get my phone out of my pocket with my other hand but Max is too quick and pins it up along with the other. Great...my heart begins racing as I feel Max start pressing up against me, his hips move into me and I flinch at the feeling.

"You should stay" He says leaning in towards me and I can feel my legs losing balance.

"Max get off, you're drunk and you need to sleep while I get you something to drink" I try to move around, pushing his weight off me with my side but all he does is thrust forward and ram me closer into the wall.

"I know what I want" He chuckles, pushing me right up against the wall now so all I can do is try and resist. His voice sends me shivers but I can't give in... why not? It's not like I don't like him...in fact ... I love him. With that I push back catching him off guard and making his body tense up.

He realises his grip from my hands and I slide them into his thick hair and bring his lips down on mine. He rubs me up against the wall, grinding into me with passion as I pull him closer. I've never wanted to be this close to him before. His hands tug at my jacket and I slip it off onto the floor while he pulls his shirt off. I let my hands trial over his bare back and chest, Max involuntarily shudders as I touch him. His mouth grows hungry and he starts pressing harder into me, I can't help but smile into his lips.

We stay like this for awhile until Max's arms wrap around my waist and he lifts me up and across, slamming me down onto his messy bed. WO WO! SLOW DOWN!

"Wai-" I try and speak but he's already tugging at my shirt while his other hand is tangling my hair. I hear a buzz from the floor, oh right!

"Wait Max! It might be Shelby or someone" I heave, breathing heavily under his weight. Max does the same and nods before rolling off me and lying on the mess of sheets, he runs his fingers through his hair as if trying to figure out what just happened.

I get up and grab my phone from the floor clicking on the answer button and holding it to my ear, I'm greeted with loud yelling and worried questions.

"Ross! Are you okay?" Adams voice rings into my head along with mumbles from Jess.

"Yeah....yeah I'm fine" I say catching my breath "why?"

"Agh" I hear Jess moan "Jin you asshole!"
"Nothing, Jin just telling some stupid lies...at least I think it was" Adam pauses for a second "Ross were you running or something?"

Luckily Adam can't see my face turn bright red as I notice I haven't really been hiding my out of breath voice, "NO! I-I-I mean yeah! Well, I was just-"

"Never mined" Adam cuts in with a small laugh "as long as you and Max are okay"

"...right" I say while face palming myself. Ross you're such a stupid sloth!

"Night Ross" Adam sings before hanging up.

I put my phone back into my jacket and fold it next to the door along with Max's shirt. I breath a heavy sigh and turn around to see Max snoring asleep amongst the sheets, smiling to myself I kick off my shoes and shuffle in next to him. I lie my hand out onto his warm chest and feel it move up and down, in sync with his quiet snores.

"Night Max" I yawn before resting my head into the crook of his neck "I think I love you"

"Yeah" I hear him whisper, he clings to me tighter while pulling a piece of blanket over us both "me too"

Jess POV

Adam hangs up with a laugh while shaking his head, he just stands there trying to contain his laughter. He looks over at me and gives me a wink and I already know what he's planning. I subside my immense happiness and try to look calm and collected.
We can see Jin lingering at the side of the house, close enough to hear us but far away enough that it looks like we can't see him.

"Well" Adam starts placing his phone in his pocket and gives me a nod "Jin was right"
"I know wow" I say following his lead.

We both cack ourselves as we watch Jin almost bolt across the yard towards us. We compose ourselves and look towards Jin as he walks up to us, acting worried.

"S-so?" He stutters "is Ross okay?"
"Oh yeah!" Adam responds patting Jin's back, Jin looks even more confused and I supress my want to laugh in his face.
"Sorry we thought you were lying Jin" I say joining Adam in patting his back.

We both waltz off leaving Jin in the middle of the yard confused and fuming. Before I enter the house I turn around with a wave.
"Don't worry Jin! Max is taking good care of Ross."

I turn back around and give Adam a small high five and we both burst into laughter as we return to the party, leaving Jin swearing at himself, furious and muddled.

Yup. Just some hitey titey times and rivalry. Enjoy.

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