Chapter 3

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Ross' POV

It's Tuesday, I walk against the wall as I try to bypass the gates so I don't have to be beaten up before school, oddly, there is no one at the gates today. At least from what I can see, I round the conner and stop dead still.

My bullies are here alright.

On the ground.


My first reaction over comes me

"Are you guys okay??" I ask rushing over to them,

sure they are mean bullies, but I can't leave them here to die

"This is you fucking fault ear eyes! Don't play dumb! Befriended the ginger, not cool. " the leader murmurs while trying to stand

Ginger? Max? Did he... Did he do this?

I run to class avoiding there insults, I don't want to be late again.

Class is normal, spit balls, gum and paper planes. All seems normal till I step outside into the hall, everyone is eyeing me down and everyone is scared, huh?

Then I realise why,

A hand rests on my head, Max is behind me.

"Who ever fucking touches this nerd will not see the light of day again." He says darkly,

He walks past me without even saying a word directly to me. People look at me in confusion, all thinking the same thing

'Whys he so special?'

And I ask myself the same question.

Since its recess I decide to check up on Shelby, her new school must be pretty scary...


"Ross! Hi, is school going okay for you?" Shelby asks in her normal cherry tone

"Pretty good! I haven't got beat up today! Woo...hoo." I say

"That's great news! I mean for that school, you sure you don't want to leave?" She asks kindly

"You went to an all girls school. I can't join you." I smirk

"I dunno you'd make a great girl!"  She giggles

"I'd be the best princess!" As I talk with Shelby I feel someone sit next to me, ignoring them I continue talking

"Oh and guess? What the Max guy has been real nice to me! " I squeak out

"Woah, you mean Mad Max?" Shelby asks, I hear an odd scratching sound next to me, but choose to ignore it

"Uhh yeah but I don't think he's that bad you know? He's really nice to me, and I hate saying this.. But he's really attractive." I mini whisper

The scratching next to me stops, I hope this student doesn't tell others what I'm saying because I'd be dead if they did.

"Well anyway Shelby I gotta go, later! Love ya!" I say happily, she always improves my mood.

I hang up after her goodbye and I'm about to leave, when the person next to me speaks

"Was that your girlfriend?" They ask

I freeze when I realise who it is, I turn slowly and see of course


The scratching noises turned out being him scratching into the wooden bench, making claw marks across it,

I stutter out my words as he slowly gets up, he towers above me

Shit, what did I say in that call?!?

I turn to run but he pulls me back,


He pushes me back in the bench and sits next to me again,

"Attractive huh?" He smirks at me,

My heart stops beating, did I really say that?

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