Then the door handle turned and another girl walked in. She had light brown almost blonde hair and light skin complexion. She was "high yellow" as my grandmother would say. Her eyes were a piercing blue that made me feel like I'd drown by just looking in them for too long. I had completely forgotten that I had a roommate. Well, not really I just wasn't thinking about it because the other side of our room was already organized and from the look of it, I was roomed with a soccer player.

"Um Hey, I'm Daniella, but everyone calls me Dani." I said holding out my hand for her to shake, but she just narrowed her eyes at me and scoffed before walking to her side of our room. Okay, so I'm roomed with a bitch. Just great. Our room was separated by a wall, so I wouldn't have to see her unless she walked to the bathroom, but I could deal with the two seconds it would take her to get there.

I just brushed off the disrespect from my roommate and continued organizing my room while bobbing my head to my music. I was listening to my Kehlani playlist because I freaking love her and it helps me concentrate. I listen to music whenever I do anything that requires my focus because otherwise, I'll get distracted easily.

"Could you turn that shit down or at least use some damn head phones?" My roommate said coming back on my side with a glare that could kill.

I took a few seconds to stop myself from retaliating rudely. First, I took a deep breath. Next, I thought about why she was yelling at me. I was playing my music a little too loud, but in my defense I was alone when I first turned it on. That still doesn't change the fact that it was too loud. So she did have a reason to be upset.

"I'm sorry about that." I said turning my music down to where I could just hear it.

She made a confused face like she was surprised I didn't retaliate or something and I just smiled at her, causing her to look even more confused.

"I just yelled and cursed at you and that's all you have to say?" She asked to which I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I was playing my music too loud."

"Yeah, but that didn't give me the right to talk to you like that." She said making me laugh.

"True, but it's all good. No hard feelings." I said smiling at her again.

She frowned at me before saying, "I don't like you." Then she walked back to her side of the room.

Well damn.

I rolled my eyes and continued organizing my room. I can't believe I have to spend a whole semester living with this girl. I wish I could have gotten roomed with one of my teammates, but they were all paired up already. Well, all the ones living in the freshman dorms were.

Once I finally finished organizing my room, I decided to go for a walk around campus. It was still pretty early, so there was no reason for me to be cooped up in my room. I especially didn't want to stay in there with my roommate since she pretty much hated me.

The campus wasn't that big, but I was going to hate walking to all of my classes. The freshman students were allowed to have cars on this campus, but I was too scared to drive here which is why my car is still in the garage at home.

I was approaching the gym when I saw a familiar face.

"Coach Young!" I said running to my coach and jumping on her. I probably shouldn't have done that, but my hugs are full body, which means I wrap my arms and legs around the person. Well, if I'm really excited to see them, that's what I do.

Sex, Love, and Basketball *Books 1 and 2* (Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now