The Fight Song

Start bij het begin

“Jess?” Kelly answered immediately.

“Hey Osborne! What’s up?” Jessie sighed, readjusting the car seat position from when Rick had last borrowed her car.

“Nothing much. Was thinking about kidnapping you for a hang-out sesh though.” Kelly replied. Jessie could hear the mischief in her voice.

“Why do I feel nervous when you say that?” Jessie raised an eyebrow as she noticed a black car pulling into her driveway.

“Because I’m here now.” Jessie could see Kelly smirking through the windshield, motioning for Jessie to get in her car instead. “Come on, get in!”

Kelly hung up and Jessie sighed. “Okay then.” Jessie said to herself as she exited her car and took her keys back inside. “I’m being kidnapped by Kelly! See you two later! Enjoy the shagging!” Jessie heard Rick shout something unintelligible at her as she threw her keys back on the table by the door and walked out. As she clambered into Kelly’s car and they began reversing, Jessie smiled nervously. “So…where to?”

Kelly winked at Jessie in a way that meant boys would be involved. “Surprise.”

‘Great…’ Jessie raised a curious eyebrow at her friend as they sped off and she looked out the window. ‘Who am I being set up with this time?’


Jessie shifted back and forth on her feet nervously as she stood next to Twiggy, his arm about her shoulders. He’d hugged her when she’d arrived with Kelly and then never removed his arm. She didn’t mind…it was just odd.

Kelly was slowly getting the guys to go outside. She was just ushering her brother out as Jessie looked up at Twiggy…he was next. Jessie knew what Kelly was doing. She was trying to get Jessie alone with Marilyn…and Jessie wasn’t sure if she didn’t actually want that alone time…


Marilyn had figured out what Kelly was doing the moment she began kicking guys out of the room. Marilyn shook his head. Whilst Kelly was a dear friend of his, she had a nasty habit of eavesdropping on his private conversations with Twiggy.

He raised an eyebrow at Kelly as she entered the room again. “Twiggy?”

“Yeah?” Twiggy looked back at Kelly, seeming a little annoyed that his chat with Jessie had been interrupted.

“Could I borrow you for a moment?” Kelly feigned innocence and Marilyn saw Twiggy smirk ever so slightly and look sideways at him…so he’d caught on too. “Please?”

“Sure.” He tapped Jessie lightly on the nose. “I’ll be back to finish this little chat soon.” Marilyn glared after his long-time friend as he winked at Jessie and waltzed out of the room.

‘Well, she got us alone…’ Marilyn thought, looking Jessie up and down and liking what he saw a bit too much. ‘I wonder what her plan is now…’

“So…apparently it’s safe to leave me alone with you.” Marilyn deadpanned.

Jessie smirked and nodded. “What can they be thinking?!”

“Indeed,” Marilyn chuckled darkly and saw Jessie shiver and blush lightly. “There are so many ways I could…corrupt a young, innocent like you.”

“Innocent, eh?” Jessie raised a speculative eyebrow at him, a smug smirk flitting across her features. “You don’t know me very well if you think I’m that innocent.”

Marilyn gestured to the seat beside him and grinned wickedly. “Oh, do tell.”


Jessie’s smile faltered slightly as she debated whether sitting that close to Marilyn might put her in danger. But, then again, she liked danger…she liked her men wicked…and Marilyn was definitely wicked. She walked over and sat on the couch next to Marilyn…albeit at the farthest end.

Jessie swallowed nervously as he chuckled and slid closer to her. “So,” he looked at her with sinful intent. “You were going to explain to me how you’re not…innocent.” He paused, ever so slightly frowning. “Have you actually been with anyone?”

Jessie blushed and looked away. “I’ve not exactly gone the whole hog as people say…but I’m not entirely innocent either.” Her eyes met Marilyn’s again and she gave him a sinful smile of her own.

“Ah,” he smiled. “So you are innocent!”

“I-” Jessie stopped, movement in her periphery catching her attention. She looked again ad saw the edge of a shirt-sleeve. Jessie nodded towards their eavesdropper and muttered softly. “We’re not alone…”

“Hmm…” Marilyn seemed to be thinking, then his smile turned evil. “Maybe we should really give them something to listen to then!”

“What do you-” Jessie began, but Marilyn cut her off.

“This.” He pulled her towards him roughly, his mouth claiming hers in a searing  kiss.

Jessie’s eyes rolled back into her head as he dragged her closer and moaned as his tongue found its way into her mouth. Oh God! In the time that she’d known him, how many times had she imagined this? Well, something like this. His mouth hot and hard against hers, and his hands everywhere, making her gasp and moan with delight.

With shaking hands, Jessie pushed him away gently. What had she just done? “Oh, God…”

“What has God got to do with your wanting me too?” Marilyn asked, his breathing just as heavy as Jessie’s as he rested his forehead against hers.

Jessie pulled away, eyes narrowed accusingly, “That was entirely uncalled for.” She stood and backed away a few steps. God she wanted him to do that again…but it was wrong. “If you wanted her to hear something you could’ve said anything!”

“So instead of saying something, I did something. It served the same purpose…and had the same effect.” He smirked at Jessie.

Jessie felt her heart stop. “So you kissed me just to get a rise out of whoever was listening!”

Marilyn’s smile faltered. “No, I…”

“You what? Took pity on the innocent?” Jessie glared. Why was she ruining this? That kiss had been perfect! So what had her so spooked? She did want him too after all. Marilyn seemed unable to form words and Jessie rolled her eyes. “Pfft! Whatever man. I’m outta here. I’m sick of being a plaything!”

Jessie stormed past Kelly who was staring at them both, mouth agape, and stomped outside. Kelly had driven her, but Jessie had no qualms in walking back to her and her brother’s house…until she heard running feet behind her.


Jessie rounded on Marilyn. “Leave me alone.”

“I know I acted brashly… but it was the only way I knew how to show you how I feel!” he ended nearly yelling at her.

Jessie took an involuntary step backwards. “You…wait…what?!”

“Oh…Heaven help me!” Marilyn growled at the sky. “I like you!” he sobered. “I would like to…get to know you, and…” he smiled shyly. “Maybe, at some point…kiss you again.”

'You like him, Jess.’ Jessie thought to herself. ‘You know what you want…go for it!’ she hesitated as Marilyn held out a hand to her and smiled as she took it. It didn’t stop her from thinking, ‘Maybe…this time…it’ll be different.’


Well, there you have it! Chapter three all done! Do tell me if you think it's any good. Oh, any if you can see any way of making it better, do tell :)

Also, the lyrics that Jessie's brother sings in this are completely sorry if they suck slightly!

Love to you all!


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