Hanging out Again

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"Tell her to come over so, I ain't walking my fat ass over to her" I said and turned and downed another shot. The gang giggled and walked off towards her.

"How many people do you know" Lui chuckled.

"In all the places in the world I've been and all the bars I've been in, a lot" I chuckled seeing the walk back.

"Sydney" I greeted with a smirk. She blushed and gave a small wave.

"Hey guys" she said looking towards the gang.

But I couldn't help see her smirk at Evan.

"Lui can you pass me a shot" she questioned with a smile. He passed her a shot without saying a word.

"You guys already know each other" I questioned.

"Yeah I...." Sydney began but Tyler cut her off "yeah we do" he said loudly.

"Let's get this party started" I cheered.

The night consisted with me flirting with Sydney, dancing dirty and getting every type of alcohol into my system.

There was always a tension in the area and it seemed to focus between Evan and Sydney.

"Hey Scotty what's up with Evan" I questioned seeing Evan spacing out.

"Dude he used to date Sydney" Scotty said sadly.

"Seriously" I said feeling a little bit guilty.

"He got dumped because she loved someone else that was obviously you" Scotty said looking towards Sydney dancing with some other guy.

"Well better break her heart early" I said walking towards her only to be pulled back. I looked at the person seeing it was Evan. I gave him a questionable look.

"I overheard your conversation and I don't care, you could fucking marry her for all I care" he said with a fake smile.

This must hurt him, I can't do this shit.

"I wouldn't marry anyone for my life not a mind date" I said chuckling.

"But I'm not doing shit with her" I said patting his back and handed him a shot.

After that talk I didn't go near Sydney and stayed close to Evan downing shots and drinking vodka.

I'm not sure if you guys read these little messages but I just wanted to say that because of the support you guys give me on wattpad I decided to try my luck with YouTube. I made a B03 top 5 fails video thingy? In 40 minuets o had 7 views. That may not seem like alot but for me its amazing. I'm not trying to be a sell out or anything but if you do want to see how shitty I am at B03_ the link is in my description. I know this seems like I'm trying to get more views is kinda is but I don't really intend it to sound like that. I just want to let you guys know because of how nice you guys are and how supportive I've decided to start youtube :)
So thank youuuuu for everything you guys have ever done for me <3

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