"Aw shit, Ashton. Get it in!" Calum yells

"Fuck off, Cal" Ashton laughs and I sit there in silence.

Ashton and Taylor hanging out. So what? Who said its gonna lead to something? A guy and a girl can hang out as friends. How do I know that Ashton wants anything more than friendship from her? Or vice versa.

"Do you like her?" I blurt out. Ashton looks at me.

"What? I only met her today, mate. I don't know. She is really pretty. But hey, so is Amanda. I'm still testing the waters." He winks at me and I sigh in relief. Why am I getting so worked up over a girl I barely know?

I shut the dumb thoughts out of my head and focus on my friends' conversation. Eventually, I stop listening and fall asleep.


(Taylor's POV)

I wake up around 10 am, which gives me the perfect amount of time to get ready and eat breakfast. Amanda is still sleeping so I leave a note on her bathroom mirror and walk back to my house.

Its 11:45am when I'm dressed, fed, and ready to walk out the door. I walk out the house, get on my bike and ride to the 5sos house.

I get there at 12:05 and I'm proud of my being on time. I knock on the door and it opens to a sleepy looking Luke. He yawns and I giggle.

"Did you just wake up?" I look up at him and he nods, rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah. Ashton is... well I don't know where Ashton is. He's probably in his room. You can wait in the living room." He steps aside to let me in and I follow him into the living room.

We sit on the couch and I take a moment to appreciate morning Luke. His voice is raspy and his blonde hair is a floppy mess. It's absolutely adorable. I realize I'm staring and avert my eyes to my phone.

"I'll get him for you." Luke rises from the couch and I nod.

"ASHTON. TAYLOR'S HERE. GET YOUR LATE ASS DOWNSTAIRS. Done." Luke looks over at me and I laugh with my fingers plugging my ears. He smiles at me and walks upstairs.

Five minutes Ashton comes downstairs and I stand up.

"Hello. Sorry about being late." Ashton jogs over to me and embraces me in a hug.

"It's ok. Let's get this show on the road, eh?" I let go of Ashton and he leads me to the door.

"BYE GUYS. WE'RE LEAVING." Ashton yells and I wince.

"You boys are so loud." I complain before yelling "BYE BOYS SEE YOU LATER."

Ashton laughs and says "Yeah, but you're louder." I wink and we exit.

"Got a bike?" I look at Ashton and he shakes his head.


"Well, can you ride one?"


"Perfect, you can rent one. There's a bike shop on the side of this street." I hop on my bike and I ride and he walks to the bike shop.

Ashton pays for the bike rental and the tour officially begins.

"This place has the best ice cream." I point to the ice cream shop on our left.

"Sweet, we'll definitely be hitting that place up."

I show him around the main part of the island, where all the shops and restaurants are. After about an hour and a half we park our bikes in front of a pizzeria.

Destined || Luke HemmingsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu