Chapter 18: The Growing Army of Three

Start from the beginning

Oh. Well all because I'm in a girl body doesn't mean I understand their language. 

A once glum looking Tony was now typing in Maria's phone (obviously his number) and she was doing the same to his phone. I felt my eyes turn a little greener than their usual color, and I shook my head, hoping it would stop the green eyed monster from showing.  

After he left with some friends for a hockey meeting, with him and Maria making eye contact the whole time, my new and overly excited girlfriends dragged me along to go pester Maria with girly questions. 


"So..." Jenni said popping up behind Maria without even saying hi. That girl was like those gopher games: No matter how hard you watched for her she had a way of literally popping up and surprising you. The only difference was that you didn't want to bop her on the head and she wasn't annoying. 

So of course, love-struck Maria jumped as a Jack-in-the-box-like Jenni came and interrupted jet longing gaze. "Aye, Jenni you scare me!!" She exclaimed, trying to regain control on get breathing with a hand over her heart. 

"What's the matter? Jock got you're tongue?" Jenni said bluntly with a mischievous smile on her glossed lips. 

At this María flushed and raised both of her hands to her cheeks.  

"I dont know!" She exclaimed, "I dont even know if he really likes me!" 

"Are you crazy!?" Anna squealed, "did you see the look in his eyes when he stared at you?"  

Maria turned to Anna with a hopeful smile, "really?" 

"Yes!" Jenni answered for her. "So when's the first date?" 

Maria looked at her like she had just asked when her non-existent baby's due, "Already!? No, no, he just break up with Meaghan today! I dont want to make him move so fast..." 

"Are you crazy?" this time the rhetorical question came from Jenni. "He's been dying for a reason to break up with Meaghan! Plus, I heard he's been waiting for you to be open to," she shared, playfully tapping her nose. 

"Open?" Maria asked. "I was never ah, how you say, belonging to anyone." 

"Didn't you get asked out by Jesse?" Anna questioned with a raised eyebrow. 

Shit! She wasn't supposed to know about that! 

Maria rolled her eyes and exhaled exasperatedly, "Jesse es big jerk. He ask me out but never show! And he get to laugh away at me while I cry to big sister." 

"I was gonna make it up to you!" I blurt before I even get a chance to stop the word vomit. 

All the girls looked at me with three different face expressions: confused, surprised, and horrified. 

Maria was the horrified one. 

My mind was racing. 'How could I fix this so that I don't sound like a lesbian in love with Maria? Not that there's anything wrong with lesbians. They're actually pretty hot. Shit. They're still starting at you. Think Jesse think!' 

"Um...what I meant" 

"We're all gonna make it up to you." Anna quickly amended. 

I looked at her. What was she doing....? 

Now it was Jenni's turn to look confused. She looked back and forth between Anna and me. "We...are?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, not instantly catching on.  

"Yes," Anna answered, eyeing Jennie meaningfully. "At a sleep over. At my place." 

It was then when it hit me. After we threw our hands in the air I had told them that in order to get back we needed to even out the numbers. We needed an "army" at least half the size of theirs. Jenni had been rounding up and talking to girls, and a few guys, and luring the unexpecting victims to join our side; they just didn't know it. We just didn't know what to do with them once we rounded them up, until Anna opened her mouth. 

Who says blonds are stupid? 

Jenni's eyes widened with realization, "Ohh," she sighed finally catching on. "Yeah, that's right! Do you wanna go?" Jenni asked Maria, the attention that once rested heavily on my shoulders slowly dissipated. 

*Cue sigh of relief* 

"You can bring any friends if you want," Jenni was saying. 

By this point Maria looked a little embarrassed. "Eh...friends? I do not have many. Some people do not like you say? Put up with my englese." 

Oh. This was news to me. I found it absolutely adorable the way she floundered to find the right word she was trying to say in English. i also found it incredibly hot where she got frustrated to the point where she started to curse in her in her native tongue. 

"Well now you do," Anna said with that self righteousness she had an abundance of. "And besides, I think your accents cute." 

They all giggled and that's how Maria joined my army of three.


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Any sort of comment or encouragement really helps :) 

Thanks for reading :D

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