Chapter 41

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When Fred left St. Mungo's the only thought on his mind was seeing Alexandria. He needed to know that she was alright after everything that had happened to them, but she was nowhere to be found. James had told him that she was staying at St. Mungo's but when he tried to find her room, she had already left the hospital. Every visit he paid to Vic's home she wasn't there, she also wasn't at work. Whenever Fred got Vic alone, Vic kept his mouth shut, which bothered him to no end, it only meant that Vic knew everything that he didn't. And he needed to know.

It was weeks before Fred finally decided that he should give up searching. If she wanted to be found, she would've let him find her.

"Why does it matter? She clearly doesn't have feelings for you," Lee Jordan questioned.

"She saved my life recently," was Fred's only response. "again."

Lee fell silent as they sat around the flat in silence, their game of chess suddenly feeling dull.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to bed. night mates," Fred muttered to George and Lee before going down the hall.

"Never seen him like this," Lee's voice carried down the hall as Fred rested his hand on the doorknob of his room.

"The love of his life disappeared....again, give him a break, Lee."

"He should just give up on the girl, clearly she's not interested."

"But she is and he knows it."

Lee let out a sarcastic laugh, "yeah, because when a girl wants me she ups and leaves without a word."

"He loves her and he knows there's something there."

"The longer he stays like this the more he's hurting himself."

George let out a long sigh," I know. But what do you want me to do? Tell him he needs to give up? We both know that Fred doesn't give up on anything. He went three days without sleep when we were working on our earlier products."

Fred opened his door and slammed it shut behind him, he didn't want to hear much more of that. He stepped over to his nightstand and looked at a picture he had of Alexandria and him from their years at Hogwarts during a Hogsmeade trip. He smiled at the picture as a tapping noise came from the window behind him.

The owl wasn't familiar but it dropped a letter and quickly disappeared, Fred's heart skipped a beat when he recognized the writing.


I hope that you've recovered successfully and that you don't hate me much. You're probably mad at me for not talking. I've just been trying to......Fred frowned at the train of thought that stopped here, so many ideas came to mind-none were good.

I'll see you soon, I promise. I hope you don't hate me enough that we could start back where we left off a year ago before all this stuff happened.

Please don't hate me. It'd break my heart...


It was short and to the point, but Fred didn't care about the length. She was fine. That confirmation alone made Fred grin as he folded the letter up and placed it on his nightstand beside the picture. He didn't want to write back, if Alexandria did this to think, she needed her privacy, so long as she was going to return one day Fred could wait. He'd wait forever if that's what it meant.

"How you holding up?"

Fred looked up from his desk, Vic sat in George's chair, leaning on his elbows with his chin in his hands as he smiled at his friend.

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