chapter one

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The shrill bell rang throughout the school; soundless whispers echoed around the dimly lit hallways. Students pushed and shoved each other, eager to escape the school quickly. It was a Friday afternoon, and even the teachers shoved through to get to their cars, their families, homes.

Me? I headed nowhere in particular. I didn't want to go home, I never did at the end of the day. The weekends were the worst. Mum headed out straight away to go party with her stupid friends. I slammed my locker door, looking around me to make sure nobody was around.

I sighed silently, despite the empty hallways, I felt crowded. I slowly walked towards the exit, dragging my now full bag behind me. Studying was always something I somewhat enjoyed. The peace and quiet was great.

Gemma, my sister, never bothered me when I told her I was studying, she was really into school, and work, and sometimes, she freaked out if she got even a B on her tests. She always offered to help me, her work wasn't a challenge for her anymore.

Sometimes I let her, but other times, I enjoyed the serenity.

I pushed open the door, but as I was stepping out, it bounced back, and banged right into my nose. I could taste the blood before I could smell it. Then again, smelling was out of order at the moment, there was a flood.

I cussed under my breath, and looked up to see a boy standing over me. He was shorter than I was, slightly, maybe in some kind of punk band, he had tattoos all over his skin, piercings covered his face, lip ring, eyebrow ring, both black in color. A smirk played across his lips, and I stood up straighter, towering over the boy.

"What do you want, Tomlinson." I spat, and tried to walk around him, not waiting for an answer. His arm came shooting out in front of me, blocking my path.

"I'd watch your tone if I were you, Styles." His arm left my space, and he huffed, before walking off in the opposite direction. Straight through the school. I was curious as to where he was going, but anger flared inside of me. I strode away from him, outside into the cold October weather.

I walked right past my car, and continued in the general direction of my house. Gemma ought to be there by now, she had a car of her own. Then again, she had everything, as did I. When you had money, you could have anything you wanted. But I didn't want 'things'. 'Things' couldn't solve my problems in school, they couldn't solve anything.

Louis Tomlinson, a punk boy, just entered grade 12 with an attitude for a little brat. He was conceited, and seriously rude. I didn't know what his problem was, but I knew not to get in his face. He'd leave me alone if I left him alone. Anger still bubbled inside me as I walked to the mansion at the top of the hill.

He called me Styles, I don't even think he knew my first name. He never noticed me before today. Then again, I never knew he even knew I existed. Until today. I groaned aloud as I calmed myself down. Gemma greeted me at the door, her long brown hair blowing in the cold winds.

"Get inside, it's freezing out here." She was the only person I loved with all of my heart, she was an amazing sister, and she understood everything. She was really a great person overall, and I cared about her. I knew she felt the same way about me.

She scurried inside, and stood further down the long hallway.

"Where's your car?"


"You walked all the way here?" She half shrieked, I nodded instead of just saying yes. She walked back to me, whispering now, "Are you okay, Haz?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry. I have homework." I gave her a small smile, and walked past her, right into the kitchen. She didn't follow me, so I grabbed an apple, and settled myself at the table, spreading my school books all around me.

laugh often // larry stylinson {BOOK ONE}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora